{I hate to post this right on top of my “Big Reveal“. Be sure to scroll down to the previous post if you’re interested in seeing the finished shots of the Bonus Room redesign!}
Welcome to the “Finding My Feet” edition of “Not Me! Monday”! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. But, before you go there, please, make yourself comfortable and take a look at all the things I have not done recently – you may be surprised!

I did not ask my husband to buy me a new vacuum cleaner for Valentine’s Day. We did not end up buying a pink vacuum instead of a yellow one because it was marked down nearly $150 for being just that – pink. I did not convince my husband that having a pink vacuum in the house was still manly and it was okay because it was a Valentine’s present and those sorts of things are always pink.
I did not tweet for about four days straight about the A-M-A-Z-I-N-G suction power of this new pink vacuum and come running to Ryan (while generally working or on business calls) just so he could see and affirm it’s greatness by showing him the dirt-filled canister after each room I vacuumed in the house.
When Ryan and I had to make an unscheduled stop at Target at mealtime one evening we did not upon entering the great red doors make a beeline to the snack shop and order a big bag of popcorn for Oliver just so we could keep him happy and quiet long enough to get the things we needed.
>I defininitely DID NOT think the same thing about people at Target “consessions”. I am definitely NOT planning on getting them popcorn today while I shop. :)
>I did the same thing with Baylor’s juice in his sippy cup recently. Half water/half juice is kind of gross. When they have real juice for the first time, their heads might explode.
Also, I am particular about my earbuds, too! I’m so glad to know you’re as worried about those as I am.
Fun Not Mes! Thanks for two posts in two days. You rock.
>I did not convince my husband 3 years ago to buy me the purple vacuum that says it does’t lose suction because we have a big honking dog who sheds DAILY! I love my vacuum…I totally hear you!
>I do not make a beeline for the ICEEs at Target. Surely…I am more controlling than that. Half and half choc milk…gotta do what you gotta do! Have a great Monday!!!
>I NEVER bring along granola bars or fish crackers to bribe, I mean sedate, um… well, yes I do… EVERY time I go shopping! So much so, that they ask for their snack as soon as we get into the store… sometimes even in the parking lot!
>Great Not Me’s!! I know it is junk food, but ICEEs and popcorn at Target are the only way that I can shop with a little bit of quiet!! I never let my clean laundry pile up either!! Have a great week!
>I love your use of technology in the house.
My kids have not texted me in the downstairs bathroom, just to let me know they need toliet paper.
Have a great day.
>It is bad that my inner self was yelling, “Me too!!” at almost everything you said today (minus the pink dyson, which I would LOVE)?? Happy Not Me! and congrats on gettig the top spot!
>If it’s any consolation I too have a girly vaccuum cleaner and often leave mounds of unfolded clothes in my guest bedroom!!
Great Not Me’s!!
>ohhhh we have a way-cool pink dyson at work and i marvel at all the crap in the little see through dust thingy!! i marvel at its greatness every time i use it and try my dardest not to covet.
but it’s hard!
congrats on #1 today!
>Congrats on #1 spot for Not Me.
Your son is soooo cute. There is a blog called I Heart Faces, and every week there is a new subject. I bet your boys picture could have been in the top 10 for the topic of “messy”. Love it!
>Great Not Me’s. Congratulations on making the number one spot! Definitely something to brag about. I envy your vacuum cleaner. I am dying for a Dyson. Not only do we still cut our 4 year olds juice but if I forget and she tastes it, she will remind me to add water to it.
>I want a Dyson so bad! Your son is adorable!! Congrats on the coveted #1 spot!
>I bought a Dyson two years ago and love it. I would totally buy a pink one – and the deal you got was incredible.
>Just came over from MckMama’s…
and I absolutely have not done many of those things that you did not do:)
like the vacuum thing when I got my new Dyson, like the piled high clean laundry that I despise folding and putting away, like the Target popcorn…
And I absolutely do not LOVE your bonus room! Beautiful!
Now, I think I’ll check out the rest of your blog! Have a good week!
>Congratulations on the #1 spot! I don’t have a guest room anymore- its now the clean laundry room- occasionally if someone needs to stay the night we do move/put away the clean laundry.
>I did not used to wonder, “Who on earth would sit down and eat a meal at Sam’s Club?” Until of course I had three small children who thought it was a treat and I realized I could feed our family of 5 for under $15! Great ‘Not Me!’s’ !
>Oh, prepare to become obsessed FOREVER of what that handy dyson will pull up off of your floors…3 years later I STILL show my hubby what is in the canister! It never gets old!!
>Great list. Congrats on your #1 spot!!!! I made it to 25 myself. :-) I do not have a pink kitchen aid mixer that was on close-out either!!
>We love our Dyson too! When we first got it I actually vacuumed with the old one first and then re-vacuumed with the Dyson and took pictures of how much more stuff came out with the Dyson! I love my Dyson!!!
>LOL! Great Not Me post! I love my Dyson overmuch also! But can’t believe you drank out the sippy cup – Ewwww! Fun read, thanks!
>Well I never knew that they marked down for been pink lol.
I must admit that the juice cup after the salt was funny and I can relate, I once some chips that my mother had half eaten and they were coverd in salt.
great not me monday
>I think we’ve all blogged about piled up laundry!!
>Great Not Me post!!! There are several things that I haven’t done either!
>#1 on the Not Me’s Congrats!!! My husband went to buy a grill at Home Depot and came home with a purple Dyson. It was the floor model and marked down. I LOVE it though!
>Yay on the vaccuum! We have the yellow one, but about two weeks after we got it I saw the pink one at Target and sooo wanted it!! Dysons are so fab and I totally get it that you want to relish in all it picks up! lol
I had to laugh at what you said about the Target cafe. I would have agreed before, but now that our new Target opened and offers a yummy Asian Chicken Pizza in the cafe, I’d eat there for dinner every night if I could! Love that pizza!
Kristi in Virginia
>Too funny about the half and half! Great to find your blog (my little sis spells her name the same way and you are the first Raechel she has encountered :-) Happy NMM!
>I love your post because I have definitely NOT also done all of these things (save going at the Method dishwasher bottle with a knife). Although I have been known to destroy perfectly good packing boxes to get at the mail inside!
>I do the same thing with the iPod earbuds! Love your pink vacuum!! If I had that I just may be inspired to vacuum a little more often!
>How did you get #1??? You rock!
>I love the pink vacuum! And I have NEVER judged other moms before I had kids of my own either!
Target is a dangerous place! I would NEVER do whatever I could for my kids to cooperate so I could shop!
>Great Not Me! Post… I love that I can NOT relate to just about everything on your list…(grin!!) Happy NMM! :)
>Great Not Me’s! I love the pink vacuum! I would actually have to argue with Kensei over the pink though, he loves the color (on me, and things to do with me) SO he would never vacuum but would buy the pink so he could be happy while I did!
>Loved your NMM! :) Cute picture of the waistband :) Always a proud moment potty training!!
>OMG!! I don’t use instant messenger with hubby sitting in the house. Nor do I do the exact same thing with my ear buds.
Oh we did not do the exact same when we first got our Dyson a few years ago.
Great post!
>funny what we do as parents even if it is something we never think we will do
>Popcorn at Target. That is the only way we can get our kids to sit quietly in the cart! I’ve also stolen drinks from sippy cups, but we do 3/4 water 1/4 juice and that is horrible! Oh, I also have to make sure my earbuds are in the right ears. I cannot handle them being in the wrong ears.
By the way, your bonus room looks fantastic!
>I have been a follower of yours for a while and I have never commented. Shame on me. But I saw your were #1 this week on MckMama’s blog! I just wanted to say Congrats! I was # 2 a few weeks ago and I smiled all day long!
BTW, I too have taken a few sips from my son’s sippy cups.
Oliver is adorable and I love the new room!