Today Oliver and Beatrice had their first day of school. (And, by “school” I mean home school co-op.)
Rebecca made Bea a beautiful pleated skirt out of handwriting fabric and I used a bit of scrap to make Oliver a handsome (yet admittedly a little silly) tie.
The day was a screaming success.
Minus the part where Beatrice wandered around the room, uninterested in joining the group activity.
And the part where another child used sandpaper (“S” was the letter of the day and we were using scratchy sandpaper under our coloring pages for texture) on the nice, borrowed table.
Oh, and the fact that Oliver wept big crocodile tears for the last fifteen minutes of class because he was all done learning and just wanted to go home.
So, except for those things, a screaming success!
At least the skirt was a success.
And the little guy who absolutely could not follow directions and stand in front of the bushes for his school photo. We can at least count his handsome-factor a success!

Oh, the braids definitely went well.
The shaving cream in the hair… um… maybe not…
But, at the end of the day, both kids came home and reported to their Papas the letter of the day and what sound it made.
And the shaving cream washed out just fine. :)
>So fun! And yes, the tie and skirt are dee-vine. It's important to look sharp for the 1st day of school. (I just spelled that "shcool." Hehe.)
Are you planning on homeschooling long term? What kind of lesson plans are you using? How many kids are in the co-op?
Much love to you and the handsome bush boy,
>That is awesome that you can do a homeschool co-op. What a great idea!
>That fabric is super cute!!! Do you know who the maker is?
>ok i love that skirt and tie! Where did she get the pattern to make that skirt?!?!
>ok…I think I also need this skirt for my daughter. Will she sell them?
>Erin – I have no idea where she got the pattern – so sorry! :(
Mrs S – She got the fabric at an estate sale we went to a few weeks ago. We each got a big box of fabric for $5! I know that's not what you want to hear – once you find good fabric at an estate sale, it's so rare to come by it again if you want more!
Jessica – I don't know… I passed on your question to her through email though.
Christine – I answered all your questions and more by email. :)
I am currently "homeschooling' my four year old. She is learning quickly but do you have any ideas on how to make learning letters and numbers fun? She can count to 100 and says the abcs but she needs help in recognizing them. Can you (if time allows and if you would like to share) share some ideas on fun activities to make this more enjoyable? We only do three hours a day but she is always thrilled to put everything away when finished. LOL.
Thank you-
>It sounds like a success to me! Minor hiccups aside, they both look as cute as a button!
>Sooo disappointed about the fabric not being sold at a store… absolutely love it!
>got to love that tie! way way cute!
>I found a very similar fabric Alphabet in TIMELESS TREASURES' SCHOOL DAYS LINE. Hope that may help some.
>What a cute idea for a homeschool co-op. Love the pics!