Yes, indeed, folks! The search was successful! I should have known my camera cord would be in the most chaotic room in the house – the one room that didn’t get a good, deep cleaning this weekend.
Yes, my sewing room is a mess right now. I’d show you a picture but I’m too embarrassed. It’s on my to-do list for this afternoon. Until then, anything that anyone in the world has lost is probably hiding somewhere among my piles of fabric scraps and projects. I need to learn to just assume anything lost is probably in that room. I’m so embarrassed.
But for now, I’m just sitting back, cuddling with my sweet, prodigal camera cord.
(Thank you all, by the way, for the great suggestions to buy a card reader! I had honestly never thought of that, but I think it’s definitely a great way to do it! I think I may just take that suggestion too! It sure does pay to have savvy blog readers! Of course, I’ll probably find some way to misplace that as well…) :)
Anyway, on to the big unloading-of-photos ceremony!
If I may, I’ll begin with photos of two of my favorite little people enjoying an unexpected couple of snow flurries yesterday afternoon. We decided to take a walk on the trail behind our house. There’s a river back there that the kids love throwing rocks into. (And yes, that’s Oliver’s current smile-for-the-camera face. We’re working on it.)
And now, onto a few projects I’ve been working on for that little girl in our life!
I’ve been trying to figure out ways to be frugal and make our baby boy things work a second time around for our baby girl. But, you know I want me some pink for Miss Hazel, so this navy blue car seat just wasn’t cutting it for me.
Nothing wrong with it, and certainly no reason to replace it. Just too blue:
(I wish I’d taken the photo before I took the hood off. Man.)
But can I say for the record that this was a LOT harder than I had bargained for. I ended up having to put four darts in it to make the curve which was a bit tricky. Then, after I thought I was finished, I put it on and realized that the fabric was to light and it was really too bright inside – too much light was coming through. So I decided to line it, which meant I had to do the whole dart thing again for the inside piece AND those darts had to match the first four. Ugh.
I also made matching strap covers (and learned a valuable lesson about trying to sew through sticky-back velcro – VERY BAD!). I love how they turned out – I even did binding around the edges for a nice touch, AND the patterns on them match up when they’re on!

By far the simplest part of this project was this little head holder (I don’t know what they’re called). This took less than half and hour and turned out great first try!

Oh, and the blue seat liner was the one I used for Oliver. I bought it at Pottery Barn Kids and I think it works just fine with the fabric I decided on. Turns out there IS such thing as too much pink! :)
I also made a Ragamuffin Skirt for our girl in a 6-12 month size. (Which is right when she’ll be learning to crawl, so maybe a skirt with a big bow in front isn’t the smartest idea?).
Oh, and I tried my hand at a few handmade bibs. I never liked the bibs Oliver had, and have never been a big fan of the ones you can buy at the store with all kinds of sassafrass sayings on them. I just wanted a few simple yet interesting bibs with now words or princesses on them.
These were probably my easiest, most satisfying project of all because they were so quick to make and turned out beautifully.
I just traced one of Oliver’s dirty old bibs onto some pattern paper (you can buy it at JoAnn’s) and used the pattern to cut out pretty fabric for the fronts and chenille fabric for the backs.
Then I stitched them right sides together, leaving a small, 3″ gap for turning them right side out. I inverted them, pressed them, then did a top stitch around the edge, closing up the hole I’d left.
I just bought velcro (NON-sitcky-back!) this morning, so I’ll sew a bit of that on each of them later today.
Aren’t they nice? I know I’ll probably make a bunch more, but for now, I’m happy with a few to get started! (I also made some smaller ones from one of Oliver’s smaller bibs that turned out great. I just don’t have photos of those.)
Another simple baby-boy-to-baby-girl project I did was this quick switcharoo from a boy pacifier clip to a pretty girl clip.
And, of course I have to share with you an updated photo of the BIG project:
32 weeks!
Now do you all feel tired and sort of secretly hope that I don’t go so long before unloading my camera again? I know, it was a lot of information for one post! I’ll do my best to be better at keeping track of my things and keeping my messy sewing room a little more orderly.
And, for anyone who is counting: We’re down to 48 days (6 1/2 weeks) to go!
Thanks for sharing with me in my grief, my joy and my occasional crazy! I’ve really appreciated all your encouraging comments and emails over the past few weeks – y’all are wonderful!
>I LOVE The car seat upgrade!!! so great! You are just so cute with your baby belly! And O is just so handsome!!! I cant wait to see little Miss H she is going to be beautiful!
I am doing a beanie give away on my blog that ends Friday! come join in!
>OH Raechel! you crack me up We love the black and white damask that one is the one Adlie wears out all the time and people stop us and ask about it alot!
>Absolutely love your newest sewing creations.
Also, is that a Hillsdale College sweatshirt I see? :) Love it! I'm from Hillsdale… so that's pretty awesome to see all the way down in TN!!
>Usually when I read your posts about your craft projects I'm too caught up in being amazed at what you've made to think of much else. But reading this post made me think about all those mothers for centuries who spent their pregnancies sewing for their little ones — retrofitting old stuff and making new stuff. It's special. It seems like a really wonderful way to prepare for your baby, to make things with your own hands for her and her alone. Different than just going to Target and getting what you can find. I think it's lovely. Thanks for sharing!
>WOW! You are amazing! I can't believe the carseat upgrade and the bibs are fabulous!!! Makes me want to whip out my sewing machine!
Boy that raelly helps me the heck out.
>I am excited that there are like 3 or 4 ladies that I follow that are all between 20 and 32 weeks!! I want some of those bibs!!!!! They look great and I hate all the bibs you buy at the stores, they are ugly and annoying and expensive! Your amazing! She is such a lucky little girl to have such a crafty mommy!
>I am in complete awe of your craftiness!!!! I wish I could do just one of those things! *sigh* Oh and your belly is adorable…can;t wait to meet her! Can I make a bib suggestion? I know it's not my place, but for some reason this jumped out at me…have you ever considered putting snaps on the bibs? I have several velcro bibs and they drive me bananas! The velcro bothers the babys neck (somehow he gets it moved around to do this), he's old enough now to pull them apart/off, they tend to get worn and less "velcro-y" (is that even a word?) and they snag everything in the washer dryer. I know you're probably smarter than I am and hand wash them or put them in a mesh bag or have encountered this with O's bibs and found a way around it, but I just wanted to make that suggestion. Please forgive me if I crossed a line!:/ I also really like the towel type bibs that are rectangular with a hole and banding right in the middle that you pull over their heads…but now that you've made these, you probably don't wanna think about bibs anymore…;)
>you are amazing!! I LOVE the fabric you used…it looks really familiar, is it Amy Butler? I'd LOVE some tutorials if you feel up to it. We are expecting a little girl in May and I really would love to make that head rest thing and belt pads.
>I LOVE your work! And your belly!! beautiful!
>You seriously make the cutest things!
Love the belly!
>I love your blog. Your happy sunshine flows through me. Thank you. I love the carseat. You did great work.
>I love all your projects. You might enjoy this blog,
It's an acquaintance from college, but she has done amazing things for her just born a few days ago, baby girl's nursery. Lots of handmade, crafty things!
>Your things are adorable, and I am in awe of your ability to get so much done at this point! I'm at 29 weeks myself and struggle just to get dinner on the table. With regards to the nausea with your contractions, I have had that too, but it sounds like yours is worse than what I usually have. I usually just start to think,"boy, I don't feel so good", and then I realize I'm having a contraction. Hope it doesn't get too bad. I find the contractions very bothersome on days when I have a lot of them. You don't have long to go now!
>I love what you have made for Hazel. She is going to be one lucky little girl to have a mummy that can sew. Imagine all those cute outfits. My youngest daughter is now nine and whilst I still sew for her I miss all the cute little girl stuff.
>You are so good at the sewing bit. I have a sewing maching that I have never used yet. No clue where to start with it all. Would you consider making some bibs for your etsy store??? I'd buy some for my 1 year old little girl in a heartbeat.
>love the projects, Rae. You look adorable. :)
>the car seat looks GREAT! you are so talanted.
i am soooo jealous of those mod bibs! sooo awesome!
glad you found your camera cord!
you (and Hazel Wren) look AMAZING!!! i think i might actually believe you have a baby in there now ;)
28 more days for me and Corbin to go :)
>i just have to say that you look absolutely stunning!! pregnancy fits you well! :)
and great job with all the sewing projects…they came out fabulous!!
>You have been blessed with a very creative eye. I love all of your projects but the bibs is something I could actually probably do myself b/c I'm also not a fan of the sassafrass and princesses. :) (Funny you said that.) I need a sewing machine!!! You look awesome and I can't believe you're down to only 6.5 weeks!!!
>Wow…really you just made it look so precious!! Love it! can'r wait to see Hazel :)
>Car Seat Technician piping in here – the custom cover whilst completely adorable, is not safe to use. Only covers which are from the car seat manufacturer are crash tested and also have fire retardance. Please do not be tempted to use your cover – I know you spent a lot of time on it, but your daughter's safety could be at stake.
>You have such great taste! Also i love your use of the word 'sassafrass' – i will try and use it in a sentence today.
>Oh, my goodness! I stumbled on your blog, and I am so glad that I did! You are amazing with your sewing machine – I am jealous. Your photos are gorgeous as well. You are beaming in the photo with your baby belly. I love the name Hazel. She will be one blessed little girl! So glad to "meet" you!
>Oh my gosh, you are so crafty and so gorgeous!! I love the upgrade on the car seat and that baby belly is just precious and looks good on you!!
>Super cute! I love what you did with the car seat. When I first scrolled through the post, I was like, Hmm…that fabric looks familiar. I got to the end of the post and it hit me that it looks familiar because I bought a small wallet thingy that I use for cash and change, from Etsy and it's the same exact pattern! :)
>So very very sweet! I love your transitional baby gear…you do an amazing job!
>I've been a lurker for a while, but I just had to comment on how cute your projects are. (I loved the bag you made for your sister for Christmas.)
The carseat looks incredible. I LOVE the fabric.
This really makes me want to learn how to sew.
>I'm still going with 3:09 on March 12th.
>I love your blog! you are very talented!
>Love the craftiness!
Especially the baby ;)
>Wow–what amazing work! Thankfully for me, I am having boy #3, and they're all spring babies, so I don't need much, and certainly don't need any pink!
I'm 31 weeks now, and look similar to you in that belly pic! :)
>Another (recent) care seat technichian chiming in to agree with Laura's comment on the car seat cover not being safe… All of your projects are adorable though and you look beautiful pregnant! Really makes me want to have another baby :)
>I love the sewing projects. Even if they weren't easy they look great. Thanks for sharing the updated baby bump photo. Too cute!
>I saw your picture on Jennifer's blog and the three of you looked so cute. I came over here to check out your blog and after seeing your ADORABLE sewing projects, I'm totally hooked! I sew square things but would love to aspire to more :). Say hi to Jennifer for me! We're IRL friends, she'll know how I am :). I'm excited to follow your blog. Have a great day!
>Great projects!
How on earth did you get the old car seat hood off and the new one on? I've been wanting to redo ours, but I can't figure that part out!
>What great projects! The bibs are SUPER CUTE!!
>It is SO awesome to see people Re-Using!!! Really inspiring ideas… beautiful!!
>I love your creations and blog! I just stumbled upon your blog today for the first time. I noticed that the little girl in your picture is wearing a hillsdale college sweatshirt! That's my Alma Mater and I'm wondering if you know someone that went there. I hope God is blessing your pregnancy.
>Wow, you are so talented! What a great idea for the binky holder. I bought several of the same ones and every single one came apart. Where do you get all of your pretty fabrics?
>OMG, you are so incredibly talented. That hood cover for the car seat is Fantastic….and I LOVE the skirt.