Being “3” Posted September 7th, 2010 by raechelm & filed under Bea, Oliver, Photography. Related posts:Like Father...Another snowy morning at homeHello, March!
Chelsa 7 September 2010 at 5:27 pm >oh my goodness- he looks so much older! they are both adorable! Reply
Leigh 7 September 2010 at 6:36 pm >they are soo cute!! oliver looks like such a little man in this picture! Reply
Stace 8 September 2010 at 2:33 am >your little munchkin is adorable. just so you know, he dresses better than my husband! Reply
Sockrma18 8 September 2010 at 3:38 pm >"Hand over the teddy bear or this stick is gonna poke you!" That's what I think he's saying! Too cute! (And I agree….he dresses betetr than my hsuband too!) Reply
>he looks so grown up.
but so adorable. :D
>I would love to know what he was saying!
>oh my goodness- he looks so much older!
they are both adorable!
>they are soo cute!!
oliver looks like such a little man in this picture!
>since when did he get so tall!
>your little munchkin is adorable. just so you know, he dresses better than my husband!
>Too cute!
>super cute pic!
>"Hand over the teddy bear or this stick is gonna poke you!" That's what I think he's saying! Too cute! (And I agree….he dresses betetr than my hsuband too!)
>Choir Director?