My baby boy,
This evening we are counting down your final hours of being a 3-year-old.
Deep breath.
As we look toward your 4th birthday, I can’t help but think about our first moments together. I remember your little cry and my nervousness about being completely in charge of another person.
I remember our first days and weeks as parents to our perfect little boy. It was baby bootcamp, and it was just so wonderfully chaotic and new.
I remember celebrating your little accomplishments, like finally getting your little cheerio belly button and learning to sit up on your own.
And as you got older, your little personality developed into a funny and fun little person. (Here we are practicing our bunny rabbit faces.)
I remember those first times I looked at you and realized you weren’t a baby any more, both breaking and delighting my heart at the same time.
Watching you love life the way you do has brought new fullness to our lives.
You were our firstborn. For us, the sun rose and set on you and all of your fantastic little quirks and flaws and goofy habits.
And then you became a big brother. I remember falling in love with you in a whole new way as I watched you in this new role, caring for and adoring your new baby sister.
Apart from your physical appearance and personality and interests, there’s something else that is changing about you as well. We are seeing the Holy Spirit’s work in your life now more than ever before. As you are hiding God’s word in your heart (in the last months you set out to memorize a scripture for every letter of the alphabet and just finished Z last week!), the Holy Spirit has been using these words to pierce your heart and drive you to Christ, even at your young age.

Oh, sweet boy, these years have been good ones. You are growing so quickly and your baby-ness has almost completely faded away. I know it’s only a matter of time before you’re less interested in snuggling with your Mama and more interested in other people and things.
We pray even now that the people and things that God brings into your life will continue to draw you closer to Him. We pray for you, echoing David in Psalm 138, asking that God will not forsake the work he has begun in your life. And as we think about who you are now as you become a 4-year-old overnight, the verse we claim for you on this birthday is one of your very favorites:
“In the same way, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father in Heaven.”
Matthew 5:16
We pray the Lord’s richest blessings on you, precious son.
Happy four years!
We can’t wait to see what this year will bring us!
>This is such a beautiful portrayal of Oliver's life. Happy 4th Birthday, to your wonderful little man.
You have the most amazing family, Raechel!
>Happy birthday, Oliver! And happy "birth"day to you, too! I hope you guys have tons of fun today!
>I love the scripture for every letter idea! Maybe you could post what verse you chose for each letter, I'd love to do this with my children!
>That was beautiful Raechel. sniff sniff. ;)
>As a new mom to a baby boy, this was hard to read! It is rough to realize how fleeting & finite so many things in this life are. When I fold and put away little outfits and jammies that are too small for my baby to wear anymore, the only thing that makes me feel better is the thought that I may someday get to do it again. Even so, it will never be him who is that small again. God bless you and Oliver in the years ahead. There is so much more to see!
>awe how sweet. What a beautiful post. Happy Birthday little Man.
>Happy birthday little man! Four years old! I love all these pictures, they're great. I love seeing the newborn pictures, he's changed so much but really not at all too.
((on another note, I included Evie in my Wave of Light display for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Just wanted to let you know that she's had an impact on me too))
>It just seems like he turned 3! Happy Birthday to Oliver. The next few years will amaze you Raechel!
>What a beautiful post!! He is blessed to have you as his mommy!
>We love you Oliver! Can't wait for tonight.
>what a beautiful post. Happy Birthday Oliver!
>Happy Birthday Oliver! Your post made me cry, my oldest little boy is about to be 5 and you summed up so much of how I feel in this post. I would love to get a copy of the verses you used for each letter of the alphabet, will you post it or email it to me? Thank you for your sweet blog!
>So cute, and such a sweet boy. Thank you for sharing your children with us.
>Oliver is so precious!
I look at these pics and can't imagine how I will someday have my very own 4 year old boy too.
Happy Birthday Oliver
>Happy 4th Birthday to your little boy!
>Happy birthday, big guy! Those eyes, amazing!!!