Remember when she was tiny? Posted October 1st, 2010 by raechelm & filed under Hazel. 6 weeks old in her silly hat that I loved so much. Her leg warmers are too loose and she has cute angry feet. Num num nuThat’s all. Just remembering. :) Related posts:I'm Bursting at the Seams!hello kitty cowgirl + boba fettTake it easy, Monday
Chelsa 1 October 2010 at 1:33 pm >aww, this makes me sad! corbin is so huge now and i can't believe he was ever so little! Reply
>aww, this makes me sad! corbin is so huge now and i can't believe he was ever so little!
>Awww! They grow up so quickly!
>So sweet. it zooms by so fast!