Oliver update

Posted by & filed under Oliver.

After five days of fever and vomiting and aches and general misery, our little guy is finally back among the land of the living! His fever finally broke Friday night and we were able to keep it at bay from then on. Saturday and Sunday he complained that everything was too bright and his speech was slowed and his behavior was off – even for a four-year-old.

Ryan consulted his good friends at Google and they suggested that we may be able to put a name on this nasty sickness after all. Perhaps viral meningitis, which would explain the photosensitivity and slowed speech after the fever, as well as the complaints of a sore neck and such during.

Whatever it was, it’s gone now and we are so glad to have our boy back! Thanks so much for all your sweet concerns and encouragement and sympathy.

Now, back to my kid with a big appetite and three swords in each hand!

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8 Responses

  1. Andrea 5 January 2011 at 11:15 pm

    >I had viral meningitis two years ago – it took me a full month to kick it for good! I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy, I am SO glad Oliver is feeling better!

  2. Danielle 6 January 2011 at 5:08 pm

    >So glad to hear that Oliver is feeling better! I was wondering where you got your fabric for your curtains in your dining room. Looking for some for our kitchen and I want white with some sort of disign. I love yours but with a possible different color of the pattern! rdlukes@drtel.net


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