A peek at my sewing room in all it’s disarray.
It used to serve as our guest room and it desperately needs to be painted something bright and cheery. It has reached a beautifully functional point though, which makes me so happy and productive. It just needs attention in the loveliness department.
Anyway, just for fun, it’s a peek at “where all the magic happens” as they say. It’s my own little special place and I adore it.
Oh, and also just for fun, I did manage to take a photo of one of my baskets of fabric, as promised. Ladies and gents (I wonder, how many gent readers there are…), I give you the pink basket:

Okay, it’s nothing spectacular. But you haven’t seen the yellow basket yet!! :)
>two questions – who are your favorite fabric designers and where do you find the best fabric deals online? (okay, that was a two-part question…)
and – what is that pink fabric on the right with the orange rectangles?? CUTE!
>Where do you find all of this fabulous fabric?!
>Love it, Raechel! And I haven't forgotten about my onesie dress request….I guess I need to figure out which fabric!!
>Send your cup here, and it will not be out of season.
Love you!
>May I ask where you get your sewing labels – the ones you put on your handmade clothes (I don't even know what they're called!)? I'm just starting to sew more and I think items with a tag on them look so much more professional. Thanks!
>Never mind about the cup. The groundhog predicts a short winter.
>i LOVE getting to be a voyeur into other chicks' sewing rooms! so interesting. i was going to post a pic of the whirlwind of madness of our craft room too. and ditto on the "where the heck do you get all your fab fab?" you seem to have stuff i never see anywhere else and your picks are right on!
>Kate – I love Heather Bailey, Anna Maria Horner, Amy Butler and Heather Ross. I love getting my fabric from Etsy – the pink and orange rectangle fabric you asked about is Heather Bailey's Mod Beads in Tangerine and is currently on sale at SewFreshFabrics on Etsy for $5.95/yard! http://www.etsy.com/listing/57587873/heather-baileys-bijoux-mod-bead-in?ref=sr_gallery_5&ga_search_query=mod%2Bbeads%2Bbailey%2Btangerine&ga_search_type=supplies
>Alyssa – I make my labels with printable fabric paper purchased at JoAnn's. It's $12 is for a pack of 6 pieces, so a coupon is always helpful. I designed my labels in Adobe Illustrator and printed them, cut them, finished the raw edges with fray check and voila! :)
>Kristen – So much snow!! Let's hope the groundhog is an honest one!
>Keight – Dear friend, I miss you! (And since we've never actually met in person yet, I miss you only in the online sense…) I want to see your craft room!!!
And for the fabric, see my comment above. You might also like Sandi Henderson's Meadowsweet lines. Also, Valori Wells has some pretty cotton/linen blends too.
>oo love the pink fabric :)
>I love it all–the rosette on skinny headband is super adorable!
>LOVE all the fun fabric!! I totally need to clean and organize my sewing room bad! Right now things are all over the place and some on my kitchen table even
>very nice!
>Rachel, I'm in the market for a new sewing machine (I hope to find the time and patience to try sewing more some day). Can you tell me what kind of machine you have?
LOVE LOVE LOVE your fabrics.
>I love the "i heart pink" dress, but really love them all! Thanks for sharing such a cute shop!
cassandracriswell at att(dot)net
>I have also "liked" The Pink Jelly Bean on Facebook. Thanks again and I wish I could sew like you and all these talented mommies! I love dressing up my eight month old baby girl!
cassandracriswell at att(dot)net
>love it all!
>love the peek into your sewing room. my sewing corner is such a scary place, i'm not sure it should be viewed with human eyes. :)
we have so many of the same prints–so of course this is the part where i tell you that you have impeccable taste!
>Love it! Although, that's not a lot of pink! (my fav color!) guessing yours is yellow! =) A suggestion, turn the piles on their sides! File not pile! You'll be able to see all your patterns at a glance! (I have no help with the put them away after use issues though!) I should blog about my sewing "room"! Its half a closet, but pretty organized! I also made some headbands using your tutorial! I should post those too!!! So cute!
Thanks for the tour!
>so much pink that it makes me happy! love it all, rachael!