I mentioned in Hazel’s 11-month update that she is constantly disrobing in her crib. Literally every time we go to get her from a nap she is stripped down to her diaper, usually waving her clothes above her head. I guess it’s a thing. Have any of y’alls kids done this?
Anyway, we thought we could outsmart her. Instead of putting her in top and bottom jammies for bedtime last night, we put her in a one-piece, zip-up, striaght-jacket style, impossible-to-escape-from sleeper.
Except that evidently, it wasn’t impossible.
>She's a little Houdini! My kids used to do the same thing. If she keeps her diaper on, consider yourself very lucky!
PS. My two are now 17 and 20, and they turned out just fine. ;)
>My middle son did the exact same thing-even in zip-up jammies! Unfortunately, he eventually took to stripping off his diaper too! Hopefully little Miss Hazel doesn't figure that one out any time soon. :) We eventually gave up putting our little fella in jammies and just made sure his room was warm enough at night. Good luck with your sweet little escape artist!
>Ha…so cute. Poor thing! My in-laws resorted to putting pajama's one-piece, zip up pajamas on backwards so that the littles couldn't get out of them!
>Oh she doesnt look so happy :( ha ha she just loves being in a diaper or naked!
>Poor Little Hazel….definately one determined little girl!
>Hazel is adorable! My oldest did the nap time strip all the time. She would wriggle out of her sleeper with the zipper still done up and the snap at the top done up too. She was like a snake shedding her skin. Unfortunately she didn't stop with the sleeper and the diaper would come off too. :(
>Ok…how cute is that?! You gotta love her ingenuity, right? ;) At least summer is coming, so she'll stay warm once she's disrobed.
>oh man! That takes some strength! haha looks like that sweet girl is keeping you on your toes!
>Have you tried the Halo Sleep Sacs? They are a little pricey (honestly, if you bought one, you could prob figure out how to make them) they zip from the top down, making it pretty darn hard to unzip. We continue to use them b/c our little guy tried to get out of the crib, and with one of the sacs on he can't get his legs apart enouh to get one leg over the side.
>Next step-zippie jammies with the zipper at the back. Probably not the most comfortable thing, but she will keep them on at least! Such an awesome picture, too!
>I had the hardest time keeping my little ones in jammies about this age. I would freak out thinking they were going to freeze to death! Nothing really worked for me. eventually they moved onto something else.
>Very chic! :o)
>My daughter would do the same thing. I didn't mind too much until the time she took her diaper off too and quietly destroyed it while I thought she was napping. She did eventually stop, and thankfully, never destroyed another diaper!
>we did zip up jammies backward for O. She was a streaker, too.
>you most definitely have an escape artist in the making. :)
i feel weird to say that none of my kiddos did this…although nowadays, my second-born is likely to strip down to boxers when he gets hot in the night. so maybe we're just late-bloomers around here. :)
>BAHAHAH!! She is determined to get them off!
>Ahhh, let the girl be a streaker!!!
>I never comment but I wanted to say that your daughter is sooo beautiful and I always enjoy seeing her on your blog!
I had to laugh when I read this because my 20 month old does this all the time too! And when he can't get out of it, he has the one shouldered look. :) I have no solution either. I definitely prefer one piece jammies over two piece though because I have on a few occasions walked in to a baby completely stripped with the dirty diaper between the wall and the crib.
>LOVE the picture.
Sometimes I could never figure out how my kids actually managed to get their clothes OFF at such a young age.
>Cut the feet off and put the pj's on backwards.
>They say that babies that do this have a 80% greater chance of becoming a stripper by the time they are 21.
Or maybe I just made that up?
She is so cute.
>This is SO CUTE! I guess you have to just accept it, your daughter loves to sleep in the buff!
>I just love this sweet girl!! She didn't undress when I stayed in her room. Does that mean she is modest already?!!!!
>Zip up jammies BACKWARDS. . . .yep, did those for our girls, too! They worked great!