Returning the favor

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I love the joy of getting to share with y’all what I’m working on. I get to post pictures of things I’ve made for Hazel or for gifts or to sell in my shop and you are so supportive and encouraging. I love it!

I would love to return the favor!
If y’all will leave a comment today through Friday with a link to your Etsy shop (or other online store), I would love to do a post next week about you guys and what you are busy making!
I did this last November and it was so fun to get to see what great things are rolling around in your brains and what God-given talents are coursing through your bodies. Plus, it’s a great way for you to be seen and for you to get to see other people.
Last year so many people said this list of my reader’s stores was such a fun way to shop and enjoy the Finding My Feet community. And many of you also said it was a nice bump in store traffic and sales in time for summer vacations and such.
So, let’s do it again!
Please leave a comment with the name of your store and a link to the homepage. I will try to grab banners from everyone’s Etsy shop, so by leaving a comment you are giving me permission to use that image for this specific purpose. If your online shop is not listed on Etsy, please email me a banner that is 660pixels wide and roughly 87 pixels high. That would be so helpful!
Thanks for being such a lovely support to me, friends! Can’t wait to return the favor!

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38 Responses

  1. Carrie 24 June 2011 at 6:52 pm

    >Would you consider posting a link to my photography website? I know it isn't an Etsy shop – but I thought if someone lived in my area and was looking for a photographer it might help! If not I understand! Thanks so much!


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