So, I caved.
I love making things for my kids. Especially costumes and things for school and Halloween. And to be honest, I used to walk past the costume aisle at Target with my nose turned up just a bit because I knew my kids “deserved better” than one of those plastic/polyester travesties devoid of love and hand-sewn stitches.
And then I got real. Not that I wasn’t real before. And not that I am done making costumes for my kids – heavens no! It’s so fun and so economical and special to make costumes! But this is a particularly busy season of life for me. And I had a choice this year: hole away in my sewing room making something tender and amazing with a springy tail and a swoon-worthy headdress (or stay up late the night before, OR plan several weeks in advance…), OR, take my little guy out (to Target, nonetheless!) on a fun date on Halloween Day to pick out a costume that makes his head explode it’s so awesome.
(I’m telling you- I’m not typically the girl that chooses that latter. Honestly, I just had to make the call this year and I chose in favor of my sanity.)
And thus, Oliver became Jango Fett for Halloween this year. (Who, we learned midway though the evening, actually plays for the bad guys?? Christine, help me!) Nothing handmade. Nothing creative. But certainly all the makings of some killer age five Halloween memories.
You guys. He felt amazing. I mean, he wanted to take his afternoon nap (between our trip to Target and actual trick-or-treating) in this costume. He. Felt. Awesome.
And Hazel became a cow. And let me tell you, she can’t stop talking about that costume. The last three times she’s woken up in her bed (we brought her costume home on Sunday) she asks for the “gow” first thing.
She did start to feel a little angry about the hood/head so I put her lamb hat on her and stuck a crocheted flower on it to make her a gender-specific cow. (a sow?)
So, it’s not exactly clear what kind of animal she is (we also got dalmation from folks). But, nobody seemed to mind and everyone at least got that she was a girl. :)
Have I mentioned how Oliver felt about his costume?
(Oh, also: I dressed Hazel in her jammies under her costume. My own little mini-stroke-of-genius this afternoon as I was getting her all put together. I certainly thanked myself at bedtime when a very ready for bed Hazel was already dressed for sleep!)
Our little family. (We chatted with our neighbors for a while before we got started going door to door and Jonie offered to take a shot of us all together.) It was so funny to see the four of us all in one shot. I guess it’s been a little while… I sure do like them. :)
Mmm… I like her, too.
And she likes to do whatever her brother does. Even if she understands “light savers” even less than he does.
We always have to take a curb picture. We missed our shot in 2009, but here are our shots from 2008 & 2010. (Bea was not available for photos this year as her family had plans until late afternoon and it was dark by the time we met up with them. Worry not though, she was adorable dressed up as Ladybug Girl.)
Finally time to go door-to-door!
And then it started to get dark quickly.
And honestly? I love taking pictures of my kids. But I also love when it gets dark and all the good lighting is gone and I get to toss my camera in the stroller (ever-so-gently, of course) and give them all of my focus.
Goodbye, daylight. Hello evening full of fantastic memories…
… even if his costume wasn’t handmade this year!
I absolutely adore the picture of Oliver jumping/leaping/galloping door to door. Just. priceless.
Glad you chose sanity this year, friend. Owen went as a “crazy weasel head” that Matt’s mom found in her attic. Matt had to wear it in college for some weird fraternity outing, and somehow his mom ended up keeping the thing. It. was. hilarious! Owen told everyone he was a “crazy weasel head” and I think Matt and I cracked up every time. No pictures for us, but surely some lasting memories. Love you! Hope to see you soon.
Oh, and that is the most precious cow errrr Dalmatian? I’ve ever seen :)
You’re babies are adorable! I have to say that I love reading your blog for many reasons, but my favorite is the pictures of your son. He is too cute for words hilarious. I have a five month old baby boy. Looking at pictures of your little guy have so much fun and imagination makes me really excited (and a lot less sad) to watch my little guy grow up. Happy Halloween!
i’m sorry to be an onbonixcon, but i gotta jump in on the nerd wagon in case (hehe) christine is busy. i cant have folks thinking that the fett family is reputable. every boy deserves a lightsaber (and seriously, oliver is ROCKING THAT THING!!! the jumping shot gives me love butterflies) but no way would a shady bounty hunter ever be legitimately armed as a jedi. if anyone needs to discus this further, you can find me on the star wars message boards. and i LOVE hazel’s farm animal homage conglomerate costume (seriously, target? when has a cow ever had polka dots?) and the fact that she loves being in the costume so much kills me. ah, that girl. may the force be with you all. always.
Ah! I totally forgot about posting Oliver with a light saber and how that might cause controversy. I’m such a pot stirrer! He did inform me that Jengo Fett can’t use a light saver (turns out you have to have the force to make it work?!), but the blaster gun was sold separately for $9. I couldn’t pay $9 for a plastic gun that would be $.75 the next morning in the discount aisle. Shame on me, I know. But Oliver ultimately opted for the wrong weapon instead of no weapon. Evidently the force went with him.
And Hazel’s cow costume is from Sam’s club. Best $11 we’ve ever invested based on the amount of free Chick-fil-a this girl will score in that thing! Better than a Christmas calendar!
Jengo is not necessarily a BAD guy, he’s just a bounty hunter. In Star Wars, being a bounty hunter means you’re awesome, but you get the short end of the stick. For instance, Greedo was shot by Han Solo before he even had a chance to shoot back!
Love the costumes Raechel…are you planning for next year yet? :-)
I second all that Keight said. Any time you need guidance on these issues, you know you can talk to us. We won’t judge. Much.
I used to always make my kids’ costumes and loved it- until the time I made them Tom and Jerry costumes and everyone thought my son was a donkey. After that, they begged me NOT to make them any more. Sad… My son was Darth Vader last night, and he thought he was pretty cool as well, even if he refused to wear the helmet. But after opening the costume and seeing the quality of it, I really wished they still liked their homemade costumes!
My Husband (who just turned 36 yesterday) still remembers dressing up as his favorite Jedi. :-) I am sure Oliver will always remember this Halloween – no matter if his weapon of choice was Star Wars PC or not. :-)
Hmm… a female cow is simply a “cow” (unless she has never had a calf, then she is a heifer), but I don’t know what a feminine sheep-cow is. A Ewe-fer? Nonetheless, they both looked adorable and your kids will remember a wonderfully fun Halloween and not a stressed out mom working frantically at her last minute stitching.
Haha! A ewe-fer! And what if the costume designer decided that udders weren’t an important part of the cow costume?
I’m surprised ya’ll didn’t tote the kids and loot around in the bike? Anyway, cute, cute, cute lil Hazel and super fierce Oliver!!
Haha! I had never even heard of Jango Fett until 2 years ago when my 10 yr old son asked for that costume for Halloween! He has the blue light saber too!;)
been blog stalking you for a while, but never commented. I love all the Halloween pics! you have the most adorable kiddos. I wish I knew how to sew, so I could make cute stuff for my lil man!