You know, kinda like “video killed the radio star”… get it?
Okay, never mind. I was just thinking about how little I have reached for my nice camera since I got an iPhone last month. We took it to race weekend and I shot photos of our family Thanksgiving, but overall it has done a whole lot more sitting that it’s used to.
Even though I intentionally keep my camera in our living space, my phone is almost always more convenient. And, since it takes pretty great photos anyway, I default to it more often than I should. I miss my camera and want to be intentional about documenting my family with it.
So yesterday, I did just that. The kids were happily playing on their own, so I snatched it from it’s place on my dresser and started shooting.
Look who I found first:
Yes, her shirt says “oh whale”. It melts me. And I figured the coral tutu was a good answer to the boyish top.
Next, my guy. I found him on the landing (conveniently situated alongside the last bit of wall that is still missing new baseboard…) dreaming up Lego adventures.
I took a seat mid-way up the staircase and Hazel joined me, asking for help with an addition to her whale and tutu ensemble.
And as we were sitting there, watching Oliver below us, Daddy came home!
Yes, go ahead and say it. There’s a little bit of Jack Nicholson in that picture – “heeeeeerrrrreeee’s Daddy!?”
Of course this scene ended with tickling and not creepy scary, so it’s all good.
Later Oliver transitioned to his upstairs Legos and I enjoyed just snapping around while the kids played. This is our life right now.
Yes, I could have snapped all of these with my phone. But they wouldn’t have been the same. I miss this. I want more of it. I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions, but if I had one it might be to keep my camera out and snapping. I always learn when I shoot, it stretches me and teaches me. And bonus? I get pictures like this that capture my little girl, age 1, wearing her brother’s Star Wars 3D glasses. Dreamy.
Happy Christmas Eve Eve, friends! And if I don’t see you before Sunday, have a lovely Christmas day filled with joy and awe at the Gift He has given.
The Gospel is true!
That last shot rocks. Melt.
And we have so many legos everywhere, too. They are Imperial starships, Transformers, race cars, etc. And a friend sent the boys two more sets for Christmas. So. We are drowning in them.
ps: Keep up the photos, Rae. They are a joy.
that is SO my resolution this year! i’ve had my iPhone for two months and i never take out the dslr anymore… it’s so sad. it was attached to my hip in the past and i took hundreds of photos a month. in the past two weeks, i’ve made an effort to cut the phone photos and i’m doing a good job… it’ll make you feel better to unload all those photos onto your computer. while instagram is AWESOME, there’s something about the permanence of “real” photos (even if just saved on your hard drive) that makes you feel good.
how old was oliver when he started playing with real legos? i just scored a big box of bricks and a few people from goodwill outlet, but might wait until next christmas to wrap them up. elijah’s only 3 1/2.
Oliver started digging legos this summer, just a few months before he turned five. I’d say start him small, then blow his mind later with the motherlode. :)
I’m in the same boat. My poor, sad camera. Plus, instagram is so, well, instant. 2012, year of the dslr re-emergence!
I find myself guilty of just not taking any pictures! I got a DSLR for Christmas last year, and I really should be using to document my life more than I do!! Oh, and I have a Droid, so no instagram for me, otherwise I’d probably be in the same boat, ha!
Oh the love in Oliver’s eyes laying with Hazel. That one melted me…. :) Merry Christmas All!!
I have to say: the picture of Oliver on the floor, looking at Hazel, is my favorite.
And the reference to “The Shining” –aaahhhh! That movie STILL creeps me out at 32! It’s that woman! She freaks me out more than he does! lol:)