ten on tuesday

Posted by & filed under fabric.

1. I am working on a new sewing tutorial this morning. (Well, I’ve been working on getting measurements exactly right over the last couple of days, but now it’s time to shoot and write!) I can’t tell you what it is, but is has to do with knits, circles and little people. Really excited to get it all shot and posted!

2. I am hosting a Stella & Dot party next week for my Franklin girlfriends. Very excited for an evening of low-key, pretty jewelry trying on. And, who would throw a lady party without a big pile of fancy cheeses? Not me! Can’t wait.

3. Today is my half birthday! (Which means I only have six more months to say that I’m in my twenties…) Coincidentally, Ryan found two Christmas gifts in one of his dresser drawers this morning that he’d hidden away at Thanksgiving time and completely forgotten about. Imagine my delight! I like to think that he’s just that on top of things and wanted to shower me with treats on the morning of my half birthday. So thoughtful, that guy.

4. This weekend I combed through all of my lovely fabric drawers (I had to – I need more room for the new order I just placed!) and I have a good-sized stack of fabric that has to go.

5. My sweet Grandma (my Mom’s Mom – the one in Ohio) has been very sick in the hospital over the past several weeks. She was admitted the week of Christmas when they found that she had bleeding in her brain. My Mom left the day after Christmas to be with her in the hospital and stayed for 10 days. They just transferred her to a nursing home (she has always lived at home with my Grandpa). I still have all of my grandparents (and still had four great-grandparents until around the time I went to college), so knowing she is sick and realizing that there will be a day when she is not here has been hard and sad for us. It is hard to be so far away.

6. In other news, I was pretty sure I found cancer on my leg in the shower the other day. Upon inspection, Ryan declared it was just a scab and that I was going to be fine. So good to have a doctor in the house. Even if his degree is from the University of Google.

7. Oh, here’s something fun that might interest you: I have a cool local friend (her name is Devon – hi, Devon!). She’s awesome and crafty and cool and I want to be like her when she grows up. She has got it together (or at least she’s got me fooled!) and she and I share a passion for making things and making them look good. (I’m telling you, this girl’s got an eye! And, like me, she never stops creating in her head.). Anyway. We’ve been dreaming and planning since November and we have decided to host our very first Craft Weekend here in Franklin in March. Yes, a lot like this Craft Weekend that I’m guessing many of y’all have seen? We’re going to do a Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon (and we all get to stay at her awesome house! And real beds for everyone!!), provide all the instruction, lovely materials and inspiration for a good bunch of crafts (maybe half a dozen projects if we can eek them all in). Also, Devon’s daughter (hi, Peyton!) is amazing in the kitchen (ask Ryan about her pumpkin donut holes) and she will be making our spirits bright while we play with meals and snacks and treats.  We are going to make 12 spots available for the weekend and we can’t wait to meet new friends!

Anyway, more details to come on that.

8. Running. Yes, running. I haven’t done it since the race. Judge? Okay, you can judge me a little. But I have to admit, it has felt awesome to take it easy for a few weeks. Of course, now it’s time to jump back in. I’m training (beginning this afternoon) for another half at the end of April (the Country Music Marathon in Nashville) and I’m determined to beat my Memphis time. (It seems that I’ve forgotten the fact that I cried for the last 3 miles of the last race I ran. Seriously, so much of racing can be compared to childbirth…)

9. Hazel. She has decided that she is a big person now and chooses to only speak in complete sentences or phrases. Her voice is so little, but so funny and clear. The other night I wend upstairs to check on her before I went to bed. She was fast asleep, but I felt her diaper and it was too full to make it through the night, so I tried to change her while she slept. I’ve done this lots of times before, and of course, nobody likes to have their diaper changed when they’re happily asleep. She usually protests by moaning or, at best, whining, “noooooooo!”. But that night, clear as day, in her sleep, she said, “STOOOP IT!”. Sounds like somebody has a big brother and is learning to stick up for herself!

She also says things like, “I want some more.” instead of just “more”, and when she is unkind, she knows she has to say “I’m sorry,[pause] Oliver”. It’s so funny, because even when I tell her she needs to say sorry, she always adds the person’s name whom she has offended at the end. “I’m sorry. [pause] Daddy.” Funny girl.

10. Okay, so it turns out I don’t have ten things. This is what I get for getting started without making my list ahead of time. Ah well, let’s do a giveaway, shall we? Since I have that big stack of fabric I am getting rid of – I’d love to give some away! Let’s do a boy stack and a girl stack. They’ve been cut into, so nothing is straight yardage, but each piece has enough on it to make something for sure – even if it’s just a flat iron cover or headband or bib.
How to enter? Let’s make it easy! Just answer this question in the comments, then let me know you did so in the Rafflecopter Widget:

If we were going to a craft weekend, what project would you DEFINITELY want to try?

(you can comment about anything else, too! Just answer this question for the entry to win the fabric.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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108 Responses

  1. Jaisa 10 January 2012 at 1:37 pm

    I would say some type of bag tutorial! I am always looking for a fun new bag. Beach bag, overnight bag, tote bag, etc. maybe something with a wipe able inside! But really any lesson would be great for me since my sewing machine and are really not on speaking terms!

    • Heather Burdett 10 January 2012 at 1:48 pm

      Also, I want to try to make a few coffee cozys! I think with those fabrics they would just be adorable gifts!

  2. Kristen 10 January 2012 at 1:48 pm

    Things sound perfectly fantastic at your lovely home. If I were to craft this weekend I’d love to make a jelly roll quick quilt. I have beautiful material to use. However, I still need to de-Christmas decorate my home and get it back to normal chaos.

  3. Ashley 10 January 2012 at 2:00 pm

    Ahhh so many project options… How do I choose?! Maybe an apron? I’ve wanted to make one for awhile. And CRAFT WEEKEND?! I hate being so far away. Promise me you’ll have another sometime!

    I have not run at all since the race, either. Except to the fridge.

    Love your list. Miss you, friend!

  4. Emily 10 January 2012 at 2:04 pm

    Hmmm…… A nice clutch and/or diaper changing tote, as I am entering the diaper stage again. This sounds so much fun!!

  5. MJ @ 517 Creations 10 January 2012 at 2:04 pm

    I love the boy fabric! I’d love to try my hand at a quick quilt – if there’s such a thing. :) I’ve braved a mug rug, but I’d love to make an entire quilt…even if it’s a crib size.

  6. Janine 10 January 2012 at 2:09 pm

    I’m thinking I would love to make some home made toys for the kids. Toy foods and little dolls etc.
    I wish I lived close enough to come to craft weekend…

  7. Nikki F 10 January 2012 at 2:10 pm

    I would love to try making felt flowers…that you could do as pins, headbands, etc. My entire wedding was all felt flowers, but they were all the same kind, just different colors. I need to expand my knowledge…ha!

  8. tara 10 January 2012 at 2:13 pm

    Love the girl fabric for my 2 daughters! So many things I would love to learn…I’d love to learn how to make the tulle and tissue paper large balls for parties. Thanks :)

  9. Lisa 10 January 2012 at 2:20 pm

    Girl fabric, love it! I would make flat iron covers, because the one I bought from you for a Christmas gift was a hit and my friends all want one! :)

  10. Brooke 10 January 2012 at 2:40 pm

    If I were at a craft weekend I would make pj’s for my children! I have two that could really use some more! Boy or girl fabric , either is fine! I have a boy and two girls. :)

  11. Sara 10 January 2012 at 2:46 pm

    Oh boy tough decision, I’d be game to try anything but I’d really like to learn how to sew zippers. I also LOVE making things as gifts so any baby, kid projects would be great too!

    Boy fabric :)

  12. Kara 10 January 2012 at 2:49 pm

    Lets see– I would love to try something simple that involved sewing. I am terrified of my machine so If I had someone “observing and directing” I might actually make something!
    *that boy fabric would look awesome in my sons new big boy room! The girl fabric is awesome too!

  13. Amy 10 January 2012 at 3:00 pm

    If it is simply a crafty weekend-I would want to make some clothing for my girls….if it was a quilting only weekend…oh the list is endless!

  14. Amanda 10 January 2012 at 3:25 pm

    I’ve been dying to make a crayon roll for my son. He’s obsessed these days and I think it’d be great to have a few around as gifts for daycare friends, etc!

  15. Sarah Robbins 10 January 2012 at 3:26 pm

    Ohh. Something sewing fun! I love craft days/weekends.

    On a side note, you should open your Stella and Dot party up for online orders. I’ve been drooling over a few things, and no one I know if having a party any time soon!

    And I am constantly “diagnosing” myself into diseases to the point that my husband has banned WebMD. :)

    • Raechel Myers 10 January 2012 at 4:41 pm

      Sarah – what a great idea! I’ll talk to Melissa and we’ll make it happen! They just launched their new line on Sunday and it’s great! I will try to post about it when it’s live!

  16. Tracy 10 January 2012 at 3:30 pm

    hmmm.. I think I’d make something for sweet Eliza. Also, if I get into craft weekend, can I bring said baby girl? *drool*

  17. Charlie 10 January 2012 at 3:33 pm

    I would love to learn how to make some pajama pants! I have made some before, but I couldn’t quite figure out how to do the drawstring. But they still work! I would also love to learn how to make an apron!

  18. Nicole Marrone 10 January 2012 at 3:38 pm

    I would like to craft a dress for my little girl. After have two boys I finally got my girl and can’t seem to get enough girly things :)

  19. Leslie 10 January 2012 at 3:40 pm

    I would like to make something for my daughter (currently 6 months old). I would really like the girl fabric, if I am selected. Thanks!!!

  20. Susan 10 January 2012 at 3:57 pm

    I have a feeling you would have all the right crafts at your craft weekend! I don’t have anything specific in mind, but the sorts of things ANYone would like or be able to use….so I could make one for myself and more for friends :)

  21. Meredith 10 January 2012 at 4:16 pm

    Oh….I am in need of some cute girly fabric scraps to put in some embroidery hoops. As for a craft weekend, how fun, sure wish I could sew. If I could, I would love to make one my dads and hubby’s old work shirts into a special dress for my sweet Emerson. Something that I can save for her and it would have meaning.

  22. Abby 10 January 2012 at 4:16 pm

    I would make a cute, summer dress for our daughter that is going to be born in May 2012. (Girl set of fabric, please.)

  23. Christine 10 January 2012 at 4:47 pm

    This sounds huge, but I’d want to reupholster something. Preferably something tufted (I know!) because I have such a project sitting here at home, staring at me accusatorily as I gather my courage.

  24. Laura K 10 January 2012 at 5:04 pm

    We must have the same birthday, because I was just thinking that today was my half birthday too! Very cool :) I’m one of your blog “lurkers” (sounds so creepy!) who never says anything, but really enjoys reading about your fun adventures, photography, sewing, and your love for the Lord. I really look up to you :)

    Oh, and if it’s not crazy enough that we have the same bday, two of my cats (siblings) are named Oliver and Hazel. They were named long before I started reading your blog- and I’m not sure if you want to know that your beautiful children have the same name as cats, but I just about lost it when I saw your kids names. Anyways, hello from Colorado- and I’m also totally in love with your peppermint Nourish products- thank you for creating them!

  25. Kimberley 10 January 2012 at 5:19 pm

    I would love th boy fabric…seeing that I’m expecting my 3rd in May! :)

    I’d love to do some sewing projects. I know I don’t use my machine to it’s full capabilities!

  26. Amanda 10 January 2012 at 5:40 pm

    First, I would LOVE to come to craft weekend! But any project that teaches me sewing basics is good with me. I’m such a newbie!
    Second, funny WebMD story: my sis-in-law entered her symptoms and it diagnosed her with diabetes. No family history, no obvious reason why she would have that, but instead of something a little more common for a healthy 21 year old, that’s what it said. She told the doctor that and he laughed and told her to stay off WebMD :)
    Third, I haven’t run since the race either. I got a bad cold, busy with the holidays, and made lots of excuses to keep from getting back at it. I think I’m a runner only of I have race motivation.
    Okay, that is all :)

  27. Alaina 10 January 2012 at 5:41 pm

    Felt food or a doll would be so fun! Or a placemat to roll up and keep in the diaper bag? I love the girl fabric! How cute!

  28. Megan B 10 January 2012 at 6:09 pm

    Craft weekend?! That sounds dreamy…I wish I could come, but I live several states away and I have a nursing babe that protests wildly when a bottle is put in his face. I’m pretty sure he wouldnt make it a whole weekend (well, he would survive, but would my husband survive the screaming? :)). Anyway, if I were able to come to such an event I would want to make a bit of everything- apron, oven mit, clothes for my children, maybe some freezer paper stenciling, and I would love to try something new I’ve never done before. Have you thought about doing one project that is for a charity? My friend is a missionary in Haiti and she was just asking recently for headbands/bows for the little girls in the orphanage. Obviously not a necessity, but every little girl deserves to feel pretty. Anyway, I had been thinking of getting some friends together for an afternoon to make headbands or sew pillowcase dresses to send her. Maybe you could do one project like that and then donate to a charity of your choice.

    And the fabric stacks are adorable! Love the girl stack especially.

  29. Kimberly 10 January 2012 at 6:10 pm

    I would love to make nighties for my girls. I am horrible at reading patterns! I would love the girl fabric, my 8 year old made a flower picture last week that looks just like the floral print! Weird!

  30. Sarah 10 January 2012 at 6:43 pm

    Oh, so happy to see someone asked about an online Stella and Dot! I can’t wait!

    The girl fabric, how cute! I’ve always wanted to attend one of those fun craft weekends, they look like so much fun and a great way to meet others who love crafting! :) I’d love to make a zippered pouch, mainly because I’m terrified of zippers. Or a pillow, there are so many ideas floating around in my head!

  31. Lesley McFarland 10 January 2012 at 7:24 pm

    HOw cute is that fabric…I hope I can get my hands on some:)
    And how I wish I could join in on craft night…my friends and I have been talking about it for months. So if I was going to hold a craft night for my peeps I would include mosiac crosses….without the grout. So easy, so simple and so mindless. So you can and carry on without having to worry the out come. Just glue on glass beads on a painted (your choice of color) wooden cross

  32. Libby 10 January 2012 at 7:30 pm

    For a wee woman I have been wanting to try the rolled fabric rosettes headband tutorials I have seen online! For a little guy I have been wanting to make one of the t-shirts with a fabric tie on the front!

  33. Michelle Y. 10 January 2012 at 7:45 pm

    I’d just like to learn how to use more than the straight and zig-zag stich on my machine. I know ALL those stich patterns aren’t to make the front of the machine look pretty :)

  34. Kristie 10 January 2012 at 7:48 pm

    Oh, I have a couple…sewing would be zippers. Zippers terrify me.

    Non-sewing I would have to say painted canvus. I love them, but again, they terrify me.

    There must be something about that safety in numbers thing! =)

    The girly fabric is just right for my little one, who also is big on sentances now, and also has to stick up for herself against her big brother.

  35. Jenna 10 January 2012 at 8:16 pm

    I am sure whatever you come up with would be great! I would love to do some fun ruffley clothes for my nieces and a boy shirt for my nephews!

  36. Kay 10 January 2012 at 8:45 pm

    I saw an adorable little dress the other day and I’d love to try to make a pattern for it and make it. It was really simple so I think that I might be able to do it :)

  37. Sarah 10 January 2012 at 8:45 pm

    I am a beginner sewer myself but would if I attended a craft weekend I would LOVE to make both of my girls super cute dresses! :) I would love the girl fabric!!

  38. Hannah 10 January 2012 at 8:48 pm

    i always take a break after running a race. it does feel good just to rest and not have to worry about it. how fun to have a craft weekend. oh how i would LOVE to come!!!! if i went to a craft weekend i’d love to make a item of clothing. okay maybe two. maybe one for myself. like a skirt or something and then one for a child. i’m super intimidated by clothing and to have some help that would be extra fun!!! and I’d LOVE some fabric to spruce up my currently blah stash.

  39. bethany robbins 10 January 2012 at 9:17 pm

    depends on which pile i receive (i’m so hopeful about this giveaway!). with the girl stack, i would want to make my first little dresses for our foster girls we are hoping to welcome home soon.

    the boys stack would added to other awesome scraps for a quilt for my little lazzy rascal.

  40. Andrea 10 January 2012 at 9:21 pm

    I would love to make a reversible tunic top and bloomers for my little girl (for the spring). I’d love to win the little girl’s scrap pack!

  41. Candice Morse 10 January 2012 at 9:35 pm

    Girl fabric….the concept of a crafting weekend is new to me but sounds AWESOME. I would love to make a spring dress for my daughter.

  42. Molly 11 January 2012 at 12:08 am

    A pillowcase dress. Girl fabric. I have been looking everywhere for the rainbow chevron fabric!!! Please tell where you bought it!

  43. Elizabeth McDonald 11 January 2012 at 1:00 am

    I am not sure I did the raffecopter thingie right. I would love to learn how to cover lampshades at a craft weekend — and maybe even make the lampshade too. Another thing I would love to do for the first time is make jewelry. Prayers are starting for your dear Grandma. Happy half birthday!

  44. Gail 11 January 2012 at 10:40 am

    I’d love to learn some crafts to make for my little boy! Maybe a Mr. Fix-It apron, some other stuff for him, jammies…..whatever it was I’d be having fun!!

  45. Stacy 11 January 2012 at 11:54 am

    I just got a sewing machine for Christmas and also just found out the baby we’re having in July is a boy, so I would try to make something for him. I still have no idea what I’m doing and I have no eye for picking out fabric, so this would be great!

  46. Beth 11 January 2012 at 1:07 pm

    I would love to see a tutorial for a simple little girl’s dress. My daughter is 9 months old, and I am wanting to start making her sone simple summer dresses. I would love a tutorial for something that I wouldn’t have to deal with a lot of exact measurements for. thank you!

  47. Erin Humm 11 January 2012 at 2:17 pm

    I would love the girl fabric!! I am just beginning to sew and can’t wait to see what I can create!! I have been wanting to make a pillowcase dress so that would be fun to do at the craft weekend. Thanks.

  48. Heather 11 January 2012 at 5:07 pm

    Well, I just got my first sewing machine for Christmas (haven’t taken it out of the box, though!) so I’d make something simple…maybe try a little dress for my daughter’s doll? Or a blanket? :)

  49. Jessi 12 January 2012 at 5:57 pm

    I know the contest is closed but I wanted to say I would LOVE to do a craft weekend!! :) I would love to learn some sort of bag/tote…or anything really. I love crafts!! Are you SURE only twelve can go? If bed space is the problem could us locals sleep at home but come during the day?? :) I REALLY want to come!

  50. Sarah 18 January 2012 at 11:09 am

    I love love love the idea of you hosting a craft weekend. I’ve always wished I could attend one of the “other” craft weekends. But knew I couldn’t because of the added cost of travel. So exciting!!


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