Sewing 101 – registration & syllabus

Posted by & filed under Sewing 101.

Hurrah! April is finally here! Over the past two years I have been sharing sewing and project tutorials with you all, catering to my readers who know how (and love!) to sew. But this month I want to do something for all the people who comment on my tutorials wishing they could sew, wondering how to get started, want to know if I could recommend a good ‘beginner’ machine, or who have a machine their mother-in-law gave them when they got married and have no idea what to do with it.

This month is for you!

As a part of my Housing and Environmental Design degree in college, I was required to take a “Principles of Clothing Construction” class. I stepped into that class with no idea what I was doing, and by the end of the semester I’d made a junior bridesmaids dress for my wedding that summer – darts and all! I loved the class and the way my sweet (and adorably old) instructor walked us through the tedious fundamentals of sewing so that, when we were finished, we actually knew what we were doing and could go on to be competent on any machine and with any pattern and any project. Mrs. Beulah Brooks, if you’re out there – here’s to you and all you taught me! A lot of this course will be based on the course I took (then assistant-taught the following semester) in college.

So. Here’s the thing though. You’re going to have to trust me. I’m going to begin very basically, so many of you experienced sewers may feel like you want to skim over the first bits. But, you may be surprised at some of the fundamentals of sewing with which you may not be familiar. My goal this month is to equip you all to know your machines, know your stitches and their functions, to be brave with fastenings (zippers, buttons, etc.), and to effectively purchase, read and understand how to properly use a pattern.

I believe that these principles of sewing can give anyone enough confidence to go take the leap from muslin squares and beginner patterns to the fun creative freedom of envisioning new things on your own and actually pulling them off with style.

This is going to be great! But you have to promise to stick with me – okay?

Note: I have added a “Sewing 101” page to my blog toolbar above with all of the lessons listed. As we go and the lessons are published, I will link the page to the posts. It can be your little table of contents in case you want to quick-reference a lesson.


And finally, a couple of quick things before we get started tomorrow:

1. You will need a sewing machine for this course. If you don’t have one and are looking for something that’s not a huge investment but will be all the sewing machine you need for a good long time, I’d recommend this one or something like it. I’ve never used it myself, but I spent a great deal of time researching sewing machines last year and landed on this one because it has excellent reviews and a ton of features for the price (currently under $160). And since we won’t be actually turning our machines on until at least Thursday, you still have time to order it and it will probably arrive before you need it.

2. Tomorrow we will cover the other supplies you’ll need for the course. Nothing fancy or too expensive – just basic sewing tools that you may already have on hand (you can browse a handy list I’ve assembled here).

3. In the fourth (and final) week of the course I plan to walk you through an actual project using a pattern – Portabellopixie’s Market Bag Sewing Pattern. (I figured we can all use another pretty bag – for the farmer’s market, library, or carrying puppies around, you just never know. You would be wise to go ahead and order it now so it will arrive in plenty of time for us to use it on the 23rd. I have found it on Etsy here, but if you go straight to her shop it’s marked down to $5! (Not sure how many are left, so get to it.) We’ll be doing the Straight Market Bag, so according to the back of the pattern you’ll need:

  • 1 1/8 yard for the outside and inner pocket
  • 1 1/8 yard for inside and outer pocket
  • 1 1/4 yards heavy canvas interfacing (hit up your local fabric store for this, it won’t show)
  • Suggested fabrics: 100% cotton, muslin, broadcloth, home decor fabric (Note: if you’re using home decor fabric you can forego the heavy canvas interfacing)
  • Finally: once you get all your fabrics gathered and ready for week 4, it’s a good idea to prewash and dry them and iron them back out to minimize shrinking or bleeding after your bag is assembled.

4. In the event that you have absolutely no interest in this course (and I do expect that this will apply to a number of you), know that the month of April will not be a total Finding My Feet loss for you. Weeks 3&4 only have three lessons each, and there are a couple of other windows where I won’t be clamoring on about seams and notching and such. And of course, things will return to normal in May with my regularly scheduled whatever-it-is-I-write-about such as garage sales (the season is upon us!) and kiddos and whatnot.


And finally, it would help me a lot if I could hear from y’all. Can you just leave a quick comment below to let me know if you are planning to follow the course, and maybe an approximation of your skill level? If no one is actually planning to follow along, it would be good to know ahead of time :) Also, it will help to get a general consensus of skill levels and understanding. Consider this your registration. And, for the sake of incentive, I’ll pick a random comment  on Wednesday and send you a yard of fabric – just for funsies!

Alright, see you tomorrow for lesson 1!

Oh, and feel free to grab a sidebar button for your own blog if you’re going to follow along. You can link it to this web address:



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192 Responses

  1. Candice Morse 2 April 2012 at 3:33 pm

    Count me in!! I have been anxiously awaiting your class and want to start and finish a sewing project. I have a Viking 6020 and have a intermediate knowledge of sewing.

  2. julia wallis 2 April 2012 at 3:35 pm

    I will be following along with my great grandmothers singer I inherited…lol. I took a class at Hancocks about 7 years ago and made a dress for a toddler. I made some curtains for my bedroom last year but i just made it up as I went along so basic skills would be good for me. Thanks!!

  3. Amy Salotti 2 April 2012 at 3:40 pm

    I plan to participate! I just got a new midline brother machine. I am a little bit better than a beginner but by no means am I great at sewing. I am excited to follow along.

  4. Katie 2 April 2012 at 3:42 pm

    I’ll follow along if it looks like it’s something I need? I taught myself how to do some basic things on my sewing machine, but I’m horrible at buttons and I find all the feet fascinating but I can’t remember what they’re called much less figured out how they work. And I have about 15 of them. I’ve made curtains and a few halloween costumes for the kids, maybe a few pillows, but mostly things that involve sewing straight lines or things that are rarely worn and worn by children, so if the armholes are crazy, no one yells at me. :D

  5. Amy 2 April 2012 at 3:42 pm

    I’ll be following along – I would call myself intermediate as well. . . but I only know enough to be dangerous! Sewed some growing up with my mom, but once I had a daughter, started with projects for her and have branched out from there with lots of trial and error – I am looking forward to learning some of the fundamentals that I’m sure will be helpful! I LOVE to sew and am pumped to improve my craft!! Thank You!!

  6. Charlie 2 April 2012 at 3:44 pm

    Hey Raechel! I’m gonna plan on following along! I know a few basic things about sewing. My moms friend gave me her old singer sewing machine a little while ago and I have actually made a few of your tutorials (camera strap and headband). Ive made pajama pants as well, but the pattern intimidated me so much! I really would love to be able to make my own clothing one day! I’m super excited! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  7. Lisa 2 April 2012 at 3:45 pm

    I am going to follow along! I am a beginner… I can thread the needle and the bobbin and sew in a (semi) straight line :)

  8. Muddy 2 April 2012 at 3:45 pm

    I’ll be following! I have a machine and am very keen to begin but need something like this as a good starting point. Can’t wait!

  9. Kris Stutz 2 April 2012 at 3:46 pm

    I’m in! I won the exact Brother sewing machine that you linked to in your post in a raffle and I have no idea what to do with it, but really would love to learn how to sew. So, basically, I will be one of your beginners. :)

  10. Jennie - Duryea Place Designs 2 April 2012 at 3:47 pm

    I’m planning on following along! :) I have the Brother machine that you recommended in your post and consider my self an advanced beginner. ;) I sew pillows and basic bags all the time, but haven’t ventured beyond that much.

  11. cynthia bauman 2 April 2012 at 3:55 pm

    I’m going to b e following along and am really excited. I’m am a beginner with basic knowledge. I have sewed a couple of bibs, but not very well.

  12. Jessica 2 April 2012 at 3:59 pm

    I’m looking forward to this. I know enough to be dangerous and enough to frustrate myself when I try to use my machine – can’t wait to learn more :-)

  13. Tiffany 2 April 2012 at 4:02 pm

    I can sew burp clothes, bibs, and ruffles on the bottom
    Of tights. I’d love to learn something more advanced ;)

  14. Amber 2 April 2012 at 4:03 pm

    I will be following! I have a sewing machine that sits very prettily in my dining room. I look at it with a look of intimidation regularly. That’s as far as our relationship goes. Beginner for sure. But I so want to be able to make things and make friends with it. Im excited for this! :)

  15. Jen 2 April 2012 at 4:03 pm

    I am so in, and super excited for this! My knowledge is limited, but I am a quick learner!! I am somewhat comfortable with my machine in that I can thread the needle and bobbin, but I have done nothing but hem pants since I got the machine over a year ago.

  16. Monica Bumgarner 2 April 2012 at 4:04 pm

    I am going to try to keep up with this. I have a machine and have sewn basic dresses and hems with help from my mother in law. I am very interested in learning how to use a pattern. She cuts everything for me and I just piece it together, I would love to do some projects on my own.
    I do have a question. I will be giving birth at some point this month. Will it be easy to catch up from the lessons I will miss via the tab on your header?

    • Raechel Myers 2 April 2012 at 4:39 pm

      Monica –
      congrats! what an exciting month you have ahead of you!

      I think it will be really easy for you to do this at your own pace as you honeymoon with your new babe – this is why i set up the tab, so that it will be simple to follow along/catch up as needed.

      best wishes!

  17. Rita Young 2 April 2012 at 4:04 pm

    I will be following!! I have some basic skills…I can sew a straight line…sort of! lol Seriously, I can do simple things like throw pillows, basic curtain panels and I have even made Christmas stockings. I’m looking forward to learning more!

  18. Kelly 2 April 2012 at 4:11 pm

    I will be following along as well!! I have Singer 60 stitch. I would say I am intermediate as well. I made my daughters Easter dresses this year!! I was so excited to get that accomplished!! Can’t wait to follow along!! I’m so excited!!

  19. Holly 2 April 2012 at 4:14 pm

    I’m going to follow along! I’m for sure a beginner…my mom got me a sewing machine for Christmas and she taught me how to thread the needle but that’s it!

  20. Kristi walden 2 April 2012 at 4:17 pm

    Definately following along:) I have a sewing machine collecting dust in my craft room, my mom bought it for me in hopes that I would learn (she has a degree in home economics:))
    She will be so proud if I actually learn to use the thing:))

  21. Shannon 2 April 2012 at 4:17 pm

    I am going to follow along. I am mostly self taught- with some trouble shooting questions answered by friends and youtube- so I’d like to go over the basics to pick up anything I might have missed, or learn things that might improve my sewing. To date, I’ve only sewed basic items like baby bibs, burp cloths, blankets, and a couple pillows. I’d like to be able to tackle a dress or skirt with confidence!


  22. Christine 2 April 2012 at 4:17 pm

    Hey, sure, I’ll give it a whirl. You probably know my skill level better than I do–intermediate? Intermediate with some very definite holes from the beginner stages? (I will pay attention these first few days especially.) I will keep up as much as possible. Baby is napping more predictably these days, so I have some time!

  23. Lisa C. 2 April 2012 at 4:22 pm

    I’m planning to follow along! I have a Brother XL-2600i. I have a very limited basic sewing knowledge.. I can thread the machine and everything, and sew a straight line, and have made some really basic stuff like napkins and coasters… but that is pretty much it. I found your site because I tried to make the “snappy toddler dress” that you had commented on, but it looked pretty terrible and I’m forced to admit that I need something a little more basic. So I’m really looking forward to it! Thank you for doing this!

  24. Clarissa 2 April 2012 at 4:25 pm

    Oh my gracious, I am so excited for this! I can barely sew a straight line(although I did sew a horse heard last month for my son). I hope I can keep up!

  25. tiffany kraght 2 April 2012 at 4:26 pm

    i’m planning on joining in too! i’m self taught, and i’m sure there are lots of little tip/tricks i don’t know about. it’s hard to say what level i’m at….i make slipcovers for my couch and loveseat! i’m guessing that makes me an intermediate? sounds like fun, thanks for doing this!

  26. Krista 2 April 2012 at 4:27 pm

    I will be following — so excited. It’s like you knew I was an April birthday and gave me this as a gift! I have a very simple level of sewing knowledge — I took home ec twice in middle school but basically used the had wheel to see everything because I was too scared!!!

  27. Teresa 2 April 2012 at 4:28 pm

    I’m a beginner here too! I know how to thead the machine and sew a pretty good straight line :) I’m really excited to learn all you have to share!

  28. Teresa 2 April 2012 at 4:32 pm

    I’ll try and keep up with the course. I can do basic things like making simple curtains and cushion covers. I’ve never sewn a zip onto anything though!

  29. rachieannie 2 April 2012 at 4:36 pm

    count me in! i got a beautiful Husqavarna machine for my birthday and have sewed some basically straight lines. it’s time to move up in the sewing world!

  30. Liesel 2 April 2012 at 4:42 pm

    I’ll be following along! I have made a few things, mainly skirts for my girls, some curtains, you know, stuff with straight lines. I would consider myself a beginner. So excited for this!!!!!!

  31. Jenna 2 April 2012 at 4:44 pm

    I am very much a beginner. I have taken a beginner sewing class where I sewed a basic bag. I have also sewed a few bibs, but I can use all the help and instruction I can get! I am looking forward to the class!

  32. Katie 2 April 2012 at 4:44 pm

    YES!!!!!!! Count me in!!! I’m so excited to learn from you! :):):) Thanks for paying it forward and sharing all of your knowledge and tips with us! I’m a beginner. I have an art degree and did a little sewing in college, but more fabric manipulation/dye/pigment/etc. than pattern following and finishing projects and garments. I can’t wait!!!!! :):):):):):)

  33. Kelli 2 April 2012 at 5:01 pm

    Oh, I’m so excited for this! I will certainly be following along! I am trying like crazy to learn the ins and outs of sewing. Right now I’m making a few bibs/spitrags/easy little dresses. I’m trying to sell a few things like that to make $. We’re in the adoption process and this seemed like a fun way to raise a little extra $. But it would be way easier if I knew what the heck I was doing. LOL!

    Thank you for doing this!

  34. Laura K 2 April 2012 at 5:07 pm

    I will be following for sure! I love your style, and how you make sewing fun and “doable”! I am mostly self taught (beginner-intermediate), but do get frustrated more often than I’d like, so starting with the basics will be fantastic! I just ordered the bag pattern- so excited to go pick out fabric now :) Thanks for putting so much time and thought in to this course and sharing it with us!

  35. Brittany 2 April 2012 at 5:09 pm

    I took home economics wayyyyy back in high school! lol I am definitely a beginner! Have had a sewing machine sitting in my garage for a couple years and would love to learn how to use it!

  36. Sarah 2 April 2012 at 5:15 pm

    I am THRILLED and will be following. I have a Brother machine that needs a little love, but it does just fine. I am definitely a beginner but love to learn and play around on my machine. I experienced some success with bibs and was so excited, made one for anyone who had a child under five. Can’t wait to start!

  37. Becca V 2 April 2012 at 5:33 pm

    Count me in! I took a 5 week home ec course in 7th grade(half sewing/half cooking) and I was HORRIBLE at sewing. I really want to do this….just now gotta find me a machine!! Yay!!! Thanks Raechel!!

  38. Amie 2 April 2012 at 5:56 pm

    I’m planning on participating! I’m a teacher (out on Spring Break this week–perfect timing!), so I may miss a few lessons while I’m busy with school, but I’m going to try to keep up as much as possible. I currently have an old Singer Athena 2000, and would consider my skill level a beginner, although I have made a few simple pieces of kids clothes before.

    I’m excited!!

  39. Katie Bernshausen 2 April 2012 at 6:09 pm

    I’d love to follow along! I’ve been sewing off and on for almost 4 years but in the last year or so I’ve practiced and learned a lot just from doing tutorials and beginner patterns. I’d say I’m an advanced-beginner ;) I don’t really know how to gage my skill level, but I’m excited to learn more from you! Thanks for doing this. :)

  40. Jennifer O. 2 April 2012 at 6:30 pm

    I have been super excited about this since you first announced it! I am definitely a beginner. I got a sewing machine (Brother CE5000-PRW) for Christmas two years ago and have yet to turn the thing on. I did make a pillow on a friends machine ages ago, but that’s the all the experience I have. I have wanted so badly to learn, but just didn’t know where to start. Like I said, I am super exited about this.

  41. Micaela 2 April 2012 at 6:32 pm

    Okay, I’m going to do it! Because I know a Raechel course will be awesome and I need the motivation. I’m definitely a beginner. Looking forward to it so much!

  42. Jennilyn 2 April 2012 at 6:48 pm

    I am in!! I have a Pfaff that I love. My mom taught me to sew and I can do basic clothing and love to make quilts but there is always something new to learn. I am very excited to follow your course!!!!

  43. Lauren 2 April 2012 at 6:53 pm

    I’d love to follow along! My grandma started to teach me how to sew when I was younger, but since she passed away I’ve been dying to really LEARN like I’d hoped to learn from her ;) Definitely a beginner though! Thanks so much for doing this!

  44. Megan 2 April 2012 at 7:01 pm

    I have that exact Brother sewing machine and I love it! I actually bought it from Amazon too. I learned to sew mostly from reading books and online tutorials with a bit of advice from my mom, so I will be eager to fill in the gaps with this course. We never had any kind of sewing course in high school (no Home Ec!) or college, otherwise I definitely would have taken it.

  45. Rosa 2 April 2012 at 7:02 pm

    Long-time lurker and first-time poster… I don’t think I can resist participating, since you’re recommending the same sewing machine I bought last November!

  46. Kathleen 2 April 2012 at 7:14 pm

    Im soooo excited to follow along this month! (Im due to give birth on the 25th, and have our daughter’s 3rd birthday on the 21st….but I’ll hang on as long as I can since Ive been waiting for this “class” for a while!) I have made a valance (simple, straight lines) for a sliding glass door, and have even tackled (and almost mastered!) a basic twirly skirt for our daughter. I have a Brother SE embroidery/sewing machine and then a Brother emrboidery/applique machine that I regularly use. I love taking cheap Walmart or Target tees and making them personalized and cute :) I would LOOOVE to learn how to really follow a pattern from beginning to end, and make a-line dresses or john johns for our kids :) Here is some of th stuff Ive tackled recently:
    Really looking forward to following along!

  47. Lisa Vandermeer 2 April 2012 at 7:15 pm

    Sounds good to me! I have intermediate sewing knowledge….have made some Amy Butler bags, have made a bunch of quilts and also made 2 of the Heidi and Finn pinnafore tops……but I would love to actually learn the basics and improve on my technique. I have a Janome Memory Craft 7000 that I love (from my Mom) and a Janome serger that I am scared of (but have used to trim and edge seams in bags). Would love to learn how to make a basic pair of kids PJ pants that are comfy and they will wear. I have saved the link for the ones on Dana’s MADE blog…..maybe after this I will try them. Looking forward to a educational April!

  48. Laura D 2 April 2012 at 7:18 pm

    I’m in! I don’t think I can commit to daily lessons/practice, but I’ll stay in order with the lessons. I am a beginner. I’ve sewn curtains because they only require a straight line, but my Pinterest board has tons of ideas for future sewing if my skills and confidence can increase.

  49. Allison 2 April 2012 at 7:30 pm

    Hope my schedule allows this! Have a very old but working Singer and have done only a few small projects like oven mitts and pot holders.

  50. nikki 2 April 2012 at 7:36 pm

    I’m going to follow along and I’m SO excited! I have that machine you linked to, woohoo! I’ve been sewing simple stuff since I was a teenager, but I’m kind of self taught and really just taking my best shots at stuff haha. Definitely would say I’m still a beginner :)

  51. Jen W 2 April 2012 at 7:41 pm

    Looking forward to this, I’m an intermediate but I’m glad you’re starting with the basics, I’m sure to learn something! Thank you for taking your time to share and teach!!

  52. Jenny S. 2 April 2012 at 7:43 pm

    I definitely will be following along. I’m a beginner for sure. My husband surprised me with a singer machine that looks very similar (& in the same price range) as the brother you recommended. So far I have only practiced threading the needle, loading the bobbin & sewing in a straight line. The only thing I’ve actually made has been a set of burp clothes…it was a good way for me to practice straight line sewing & get used to my machine. I just ordered my pattern for the bag! Can’t wait!! :D

  53. Erin B. 2 April 2012 at 8:01 pm

    Hey Raechel! I’ve been silently following you for awhile! As someone that was in Mrs. Brooks’ class with you, I had to speak up and also say I’m so impressed with what you took away from it! I still remember being so jealous of your Jr. Bridesmaid’s dress the day I sewed the waistband of my pj pants closed! You’re going to be the PERFECT sewing teacher!

  54. Megan Higgins 2 April 2012 at 8:10 pm

    I plan on following along! I can make a lot of stuff, but since I’m a self-taught “figure it out-er”, I have no idea if I make things the correct way… I just know they look okay at the end :)

  55. Alexandra 2 April 2012 at 8:13 pm

    I will absolutely, 11-billion-percent be following along! I lucked into a decent-quality, newish sewing machine four years ago but have never known how to use it. I do my sewing by hand or not at all. So, uh, basically not at all. I have a weirdly low-slung chair and the sewing machine, in its case, makes a good drink holder. That’s seriously all I’ve used it for. In FOUR YEARS.

    I work in theatrical carpentry and I MAKE THINGS and it drives me crazy that I can’t MAKE ALL THE THINGS. I can weld and use a table saw but I can’t sew a pillowcase dress or thread a bobbin? I don’t even actually know what a bobbin is or if it gets threaded but I thought that sounded good so I said it? Sad, but true, on all counts.

    I’m ultra-petite and I spend a ridiculous amount of money getting things hemmed or taken in. Also I want to be able to make cute things for my friends’ babies. And put ruffles on EVERYTHING I OWN. So yeah. I’ll be following this.


  56. Mary-K. 2 April 2012 at 8:18 pm

    I’d love to take your course. I took a “getting to know your machine class” through JoAnn’s when I bought my gently used Husqvarna Emerald 183 in December of 2010. I bought this and had never touched a sewing machine before in my life. I digress, sure, I’d TOUCHED one, but never, ever, EVER sewed a thing with a sewing machine. I didn’t even know how to turn one on. So, after that class, I’ve made pajama pants, softie dolls, diaper changing pads, bibs, bags/purses, etc. With that being said, I’ve made some stuff but, I’ve never taken a formal sewing class and would LOVE to! I love sewing, just wish I felt a little more confident and maybe I’d make more time for it. Thanks for offering this class, I can’t wait!

    On patterns – I got brave once in Wal-Mart, bought a simple pattern. Took it home, opened it up, took 2 glances at it and folded it back up, and returned it to the store the next day.

  57. wendie 2 April 2012 at 8:34 pm

    I am planning to follow along….I have a NEW sewing machine on the way….so this comes at the perfect time! I have made lots of clothes for my littles and a few bags, but I know I still have a lot to learn about all the functions of my machine so that I can do even more! Looking forward to learning some new things :)

  58. Jill 2 April 2012 at 8:39 pm

    I will most definitely be following along! I just got a sewing machine for my birthday and having been quickly compiling different ideas on Pinterest. I took a Home Ec class in high school and made a pillow/blanket, a poorly constructed baby quilt for my nephew, and just recently finished curtains for my kitchen window.

  59. Kathleen ward 2 April 2012 at 8:47 pm

    Count me in. I have a brother sewing machine, nothing fancy just the basic one. I can sew a mean zippered pillowcase and that’s about it! Ha! I can’t wait for this!

  60. Laura K 2 April 2012 at 8:57 pm

    I posted once, but it never showed up- bummer! Must have done something wrong :) Maybe you should have classes on how to post comments!

    I will definitely be following along, I ordered the pattern and can’t wait to go pick out fabrics for that cute bag. I am beginner-intermediate self taught, but would love to learn the basics (it might ease my frustrations sometimes!) and how to work with patterns. Thank you so much for giving us your time and talent to do this class, can’t wait to start!

  61. keight 2 April 2012 at 8:59 pm

    my plan is to audit this course as a doctoral candidate myself. ah jokes. but seriously, i consider myself good and advanced…but that mostly translates to, “i think i’m a big deal but am probably too stupid to know im in over my head.” i plan to learn at least 3 (three) “holy crap! i’ve been doing that wrong all along”s from you that will revolutionize my sewing life/business. such is the FMF way. in conclusion, is it against university honor code to fraternize with the instructor? i hear she doesnt go all the way…or even half way lately.

    • Christine 3 April 2012 at 7:36 am

      Keight, let’s sit in the back and yuck it up and then act horrified when we realize we’ve missed important lessons and failed the most basic portions, shall we? And then beg the instructor for a better grade.

      • Ryan 3 April 2012 at 8:21 am

        Sounds like Raechel in our college Photoshop class (in which she shmoozed her way to a better grade than me…hm..

        I’ll play the part of the sole guy taking the class because he assumed there’d be lots of ‘chicks’ to pick from, then in a total plot shift, falls in love with sewing, spending countless hours nose down, eyes fixed on the sparkling needle as it draws cotton path showing him the way out of his one-horse town, to become the top couture designer in Europe.

        *looking upward* Yeah, that’s what I’ll do…

        (cue dance number)

        • Raechel Myers 3 April 2012 at 10:54 am

          Demerits all around!! You’re already talking in class! And Ryan, you’re supposed to be the student that falls in love with the TEACHER – not the sewing!!! Doy.

  62. Carolyn 2 April 2012 at 9:02 pm

    I am planning on following along! I am very much a beginner. :) Thanks for doing this… I am looking forward to it!

  63. Crissy 2 April 2012 at 9:09 pm

    Hi! A friend just told me about this class and I’m excited! I’d say I am an advanced beginner. I’ve made a couple of skirts, nursing covers, sewn with PUL and zippers. I just had a baby girl and I’m anxious to sew some dresses for her! I’m also looking forward to learning how to read a sewing pattern!

  64. Laura 2 April 2012 at 9:13 pm

    I am in! Have my grandmother’s old Singer and for sure a beginner!! Would love to know how to sew clothes for my girls!

  65. Jane 2 April 2012 at 9:37 pm

    SO excited for this class – I will be following! I am a beginner sewer, have done your bibs and burp cloths, but would love to expand more into clothing. I am self-taught and really would like to feel more comfortable around a sewing machine and the basics of sewing that I haven’t been able to figure out myself yet! Can’t wait!!! Thanks for doing this!

  66. Erin Humm 2 April 2012 at 9:40 pm

    I will be following, I am borrowing a machine right now until I can get enough saved for the one that I want! Thanks for doing this, I am so excited!

  67. Amanda 2 April 2012 at 9:45 pm

    I will be following along! I’m so excited! I got my first machine for Christmas but haven’t done a thing yet. I’m too scared. I need to start at step zero. :)

  68. Abby 2 April 2012 at 9:53 pm

    Hey Raechel! I’m Amanda’s younger sister and will follow along but probably at a later date as school is a bit hectic right now. I have taken several semesters of home ec in high school and know basic skills. I’ve made things like pajama pants, a shirt, and am working on a skirt this semester. I think this will be a great refresher, even though I hem all of Amanda’s pants since she can’t. :)

    Oh, and my machine is a Janome 7312 Magnolia.


  69. Bailey 2 April 2012 at 10:00 pm

    I’m so excited! I will definitely be following along. I took a class last fall during a very stressful time at worm so I don’t feel that I retained much of the knowledge I gained. I have a simple brother I’ve sewn on once…

  70. Kassia 2 April 2012 at 10:10 pm

    Time willing I’m in!! I have sewn three straight lines. That’s it. Ever. I have my grandmothers sewing machine and have always wanted to use it for more than a dust collector/closet space holder!!

  71. MelissaH 2 April 2012 at 10:27 pm

    This is what I have been waiting for! I have NEVER used a sewing machine, and don’t even own one (yet). But I have always wanted to learn to sew and with 3 young kids I will have a lot of reasons to learn. I won’t be able to follow along the next few days because we are going out of town, but it sounds like I can catch up easily with the “Sewing 101” page.
    I’m so excited! Now I just have to find a sewing machine… :-)

  72. Sherry 2 April 2012 at 11:16 pm

    I’m in! Mostly a beginner level, but I’ve made a few things…however, nothing worth showing off or close inspection. I also have a Janome. Looking forward to it!

  73. Janet 2 April 2012 at 11:25 pm

    I plan on following along! I took sewing lessons for about 5 years or more, but it was so long ago (maybe 15 years ago), I can’t really remember how many years of lessons I actually took. I have recently gotten back into sewing patching up clothes here and there and making my own camera strap and iPad cover. But, I would like to learn as much as I can about sewing so I look forward to your lessons!

  74. Andrea 2 April 2012 at 11:29 pm

    Thank you so much for this! I will definitely be following along. I am a beginner but I love your courses, because of you I’ve made my own tags and also many bibs:)

  75. Michelle 2 April 2012 at 11:45 pm

    I have the machine you referenced in your post and will be following along. I am completely self-taught. Everything I know, I learned by reading the manual that came with my sewing machine, plus a little trial and error. I can sew pillow covers, aprons and basic curtains. I have never tried a pattern.

  76. Kirsten 2 April 2012 at 11:54 pm

    I’m going to be following along too! Can’t wait. It’s always fun to just go back and refresh on the basics. Sometimes it feels like I need to just slow down and make sure that the fundamentals are still at the top of the priority list! Great work!

  77. Jocelyn 3 April 2012 at 12:02 am

    Count me in! I just ordered myself the machine you recommended and cannot wait to cross “learn to sew before you have babies so you can make them cool homemade halloween costumes” off my bucket list! =)

  78. Hope 3 April 2012 at 1:09 am

    Wow! This is awesome! I’ll be following, or at least reading along. I’d love to do all the projects, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up due to time constraints-April is a crazy busy month!
    I have a sewing machine I got over a year ago that is still in the box, but which is getting set up this weekend and which I’ve been itching to use!
    I have some basic sewing experience, both with following patterns, as well as my own creations.
    Thanks for doing this!!

  79. SaraSkinny 3 April 2012 at 2:07 am

    You can totally count me in!

    I have a (pretty sweet) Brother sewing machine I picked up at Wal*Mart less than a year ago for under $150. I love it. It’s one of the project runway editions with more stitches than I’ll probably ever use. Before that I was using a hand me down from my Mom that needed some serious tuning up. At $100 for a tune up and under $150 for a new machine… well you see which won.

    Anyways, I love reading your tutorials and I will forever, or at least until I can afford my own, be envious of your amazing sewing machine.

  80. Jenny Lynn 3 April 2012 at 3:14 am

    I’m definitely going to follow along! I’m self- taught and have been sewing on and off for the last 13 years. But, I still get freaked out by a pattern and some stitches! Can’t wait to learn the right way to do some things!!

  81. Melissa 3 April 2012 at 5:30 am

    I am an intermediate beginner. My mom taught me some and the rest of my skills are self taught. I use a cheap singer esteem bought in 2006. I always enjoy expanding my skill set.

  82. chelsa 3 April 2012 at 6:28 am

    YES YES YES! I got a sewing machine for Christmas and have played around and made some simple blankets etc. I know the very basics, but I look forward to learning SO MUCH MORE from YOU :)

  83. Dianne McInerney 3 April 2012 at 6:29 am

    Hi Rachel! Count me in! I would consider myself an advanced beginner. I know my way around a sewing machine and even have a business making reverse applique T-shirts. However, I want to learn to work a pattern better. I have always admired what you do. Thank you so much for these lessons. Save a seat for me!

  84. Kerry 3 April 2012 at 6:33 am

    Hooray! I’ll follow along with you! I currently can… um, sew a button back on if it falls off? That’s it.

  85. Morgan 3 April 2012 at 6:58 am

    I’ll be following along :D I’m definitely a beginner but can at least sew (mostly) straight lines. I’ve never had any formal training so this sounds like lots of fun!

  86. kelsey 3 April 2012 at 7:57 am

    I am SO EXCITED for this! I’ve admired your sewing skills for a while now and have always wanted to learn! I’ll be following along and I am as beginner as they come. :) Thanks for doing this, Raechel!

  87. Stacy 3 April 2012 at 8:05 am

    I’m a beginning sewer. I asked (and received) a sewing machine for Christmas because I was inspired by you and Keight. I have really been enjoying it. The very first thing I made was your easy pillow cover tutorial. I’ve also made a couple of pairs of pants for my 20-month old son, a dress for my little girl due in July, and I am almost done with her baby quilt.
    I will be following along with your class because I really want to learn, but I probably won’t make the bag because I already have so many other projects planned (curtains, crib skirt, quilt for son, etc.) that I am really anxious to get to!

  88. Amanda 3 April 2012 at 8:10 am

    I can’t wait to get started! I am definitely a beginner! The only things I have sewn are paper party decorations for my daughter’s birthday.

  89. Rachael 3 April 2012 at 8:52 am

    Count me in! I just ordered the sewing machine that you mentioned. When I was younger my grandmother and I made quilts and american girl doll clothes..but I really haven’t done too much since. I’m excited for this class!!

  90. Laura G. 3 April 2012 at 9:09 am

    Whoops–I accidentally put my comment on the lesson layout page. Will you please delete it for me so it’s not there all alone and obvious for the next month or so?!

  91. Kim Q 3 April 2012 at 9:36 am

    I may not participate in everything, but I certainly will follow along! I am a VERY inexperienced sewer- I can sew buttons onto things by hand and that is about the extent of it. :o) I do have a sewing machine that my mom got me for Christmas that has thus far sat unused in a closet. I have every intention of learning to use it, I just haven’t gotten there yet. So I am looking forward to your lessons. Thanks for putting this together!

  92. Ashlee 3 April 2012 at 9:47 am

    I am a very very beginner. I want to follow along but most likely will have to catch up using the tabs later next month because this month is crazy! I am going to go ahead and buy the pattern and borrow my grandma’s sewing machine so I’ll be all ready when I get a break between school and work!

  93. Deana 3 April 2012 at 10:03 am

    Hi! Can’t wait to follow along to further develop my love for sewing! Just finished Easter dresses for my two girls (age 5 and 3), and am in the process of sewing a handful of summer dresses for myself, and my daughters. LOVE Sew Fresh Fabrics, thanks for the tip! Got the sewing bug from my Grandma’s and my Mom…I have a brother digital sewing machine that i got for a steal from Joanne’s when it was on clearance last year!! Thanks for all your time and energy Raechel, you’re awesome!

  94. Sarah H 3 April 2012 at 11:03 am

    Hi! I’ll be following along…’cause I just LOVE sewing! I use a Brother machine and a Kenmore serger, and would consider myself an advanced seamstress, but I always learn something during tutorials and courses like this! Looking forward to it! I have an 11 month old daughter and I’m having SO much fun making cute things for her :) Pinterest is pretty much my biggest source of inspiration for so many projects….and yes, I am following you!

  95. Sara 3 April 2012 at 11:17 am

    I’ll be following – I’m super excited! If we miss a day can we catch up in spare time or is this definitely going to be a keep up deal?

    I’ve sewn a couple basics with the help of my mom but this is going to help me LOTS! Thank you!

    • Raechel Myers 3 April 2012 at 2:37 pm

      Hey Sara – you can definitely move along at your own pace if you need to. The great thing is, with the “Sewing 101” page you can catch up, refer back, or start this a year from now. It will all be there! (But it is fun to follow along as everyone goes together) :)

  96. Whitney 3 April 2012 at 12:00 pm

    Hi Raechel!

    I’ll be following along and I have NO experience, but can’t wait to try this sewing thing out and make pretty things for my baby girl! Whit

  97. Cris 3 April 2012 at 1:25 pm

    So… so excited about this! I have a sewing machine and have ideas brewing in my head but no idea where to start.

    My level… novice

  98. Zoe 3 April 2012 at 1:53 pm

    So fun! I’ll be following along – though I may not have time to do all the projects… I have a pretty basic Singer machine and have a moderate amount of sewing experience – I can sew darts, set a sleeve, zippers, buttonholes, etc, along with some quilting and basic home dec stuff, curtains, etc. I don’t feel very proficient at following patterns though, so I look forward to that aspect. And who doesn’t love a new tote?! I’m excited about that. :)

  99. Sarah M 3 April 2012 at 2:38 pm

    Hi! I will be following along too! I just got a Janome and have taken 2 introduction classes. I’m so looking forward to this….yay! Thanks for sharing your knowledge:)

  100. kate foster 3 April 2012 at 3:07 pm

    I can sew but my lines are far from straight and any article of clothing I’ve tried to make never fits me so I’m ecstatic you are doing this! Thank you!!!!!

  101. Kate 3 April 2012 at 7:04 pm

    I (along with many other people I see!) am so excited for this! I would say I’m a beginner/intermediate. I am sewing a dress for my daughter for Easter but have to read the instructions like 5 times before I do anything to make sure I fully understand. I already managed to sew the pockets at the bottom of the

  102. Dilshani Tyson 3 April 2012 at 9:30 pm

    I’m definitely following along! I’m intermediate. I’ve made dresses for my daughter but I’m horrible at zippers. Also, I’ve quilted before. I would like to make some simple dresses and skirts

  103. Amy Snow 3 April 2012 at 9:31 pm

    I’m in. I majored in homemaking in college and unfortunately I failed the sewing class. Whoopsie. So, here I am. A sewing failure. Help me!

  104. Kathleen S., Normal, IL 3 April 2012 at 9:54 pm

    I’m in. :-)

    My level is advanced; I’ve been sewing a long time. (How long you ask? Since I was 4. ) (I’m 41.) I mostly quilt nowadays, but I would love a refresher in some of the skills that I have let go. I haven’t seen my tracing paper in ages. :-) But I do have the wheel.

    I have 4 machines, 2 of which are old and I haven’t taken them out to test drive. So I will use the one in my living room and see if I can get her going. My regular machine is a Janome Jem 760.

    And Raechel, the latest term is ‘sewist.’ As a sewer carries waste water. We could just go with ‘fabric artists.’ Or ‘supercool people who make stuff.’

  105. Mary 4 April 2012 at 5:49 am

    Wow, this is fantastic! I’ve been a reader of yours for a while now and I’ve occassionaly tried some of your tutorials. I’ve been sewing for a few years but its stuff I’ve picked up along the way just from following peoples tutorials. I’ve never done the “basics”. I’m excited to follow along! Thanks :)

  106. Twyla 4 April 2012 at 10:19 am

    My Mom bought me a sewing machine two years ago for my Birthday. It is still in the closet upstairs and I haven’t even taken it out of the box yet. I know everytime she comes over, which is about once a week, she opens that closet door and checks to see if its been moved from the bottom shelf. It has not. I would LOVE to take this course. I don’t know if I’ll be able to really dedicate 3 days a week to it, but I’ll follow at my own pace, if that’s do-able.
    I took a class in HS, almost 20 years ago and I have some simple skills, but simple is generous.
    Super idea!! I love all your ideas and projects.

  107. Gretchen 4 April 2012 at 10:21 am’s my deal: I want to be ABLE to sew…but I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be horrible and also pretty sure I’m gonna hate it! I’ve sewed a few things in home ec a thousand years ago! Annnnd…I hated it. It seemed so incredbly tedious to me. I’m a music teacher by trade, and not creative in visual art. But I WANT to be a crafty, resourcesful mom some day.

    So the question would be…should I try and borrow a machine? Should I take the course? Is there hope for a frustrated, uncrafty, wanna-be?

    • Raechel Myers 4 April 2012 at 10:39 am

      Gretchen, I feel you! I can see how all of these early fundamental details can be tedious – like when I took piano as a child. It’s more fun to jump right to making music, but you have to do your finger exercises and learn to actually read the music first. You could always read through the course, then if you feel like it’s do-able, borrow a machine and give it a whirl! I’d love to have you and I promise I’ll try to keep things as uncomplicated as possible :)

  108. Erin L. 4 April 2012 at 10:57 am

    So initially I wasn’t going to comment and was just going to secretly/silently follow along, but then I decided that it would be fun for you to know that there’s another following along too. I own a BabyLock Elizabeth (my 2nd sewing machine) that my husband encouraged me to buy. He said, “They are on sale, GO BUY ONE NOW!” He’s the best. I wouldn’t call myself an intermediate sewist, but I’m wouldn’t say I’m advanced either, so somewhere in-between there (an inter-vanced sewist?). I probably won’t be making the bag either (we just have too many of those around here!), but I have many other UFOs (un-finished-objects) that this will hopefully encourage me to get a jump on.

  109. Marcella 4 April 2012 at 2:04 pm

    I am in! Just trying to keep up with the day to day!
    Catching up now and will dust off the sewing machine!
    i am a beginner all the way! i know nothing! just that i want to sew!
    have lots of ideas just need a teacher!
    so thankful you are doing this.
    Hope this gets me in the right direction!

  110. Shelly 10 April 2012 at 3:01 pm

    I’m getting started a little late, but I’m excited!!! :) :) I just got my machine a few months ago and I’ve been aching to learn about my machine!! :):)

  111. Jenny Andersen 17 April 2012 at 6:10 pm

    Hello Raechel!
    My girlfriend Tiffany just showed me your blog today. She mentioned that your Sewing 101 has many helpful tips, tutorials, etc. I am a beginner. I had just sewn something recently out of my Fabric-by-Fabric One-yard Wonders book. It turned out rather nice which makes a person happy. I took a sewing class in 6th grade a long time ago. I finally picked this hobby back up again. I feel like I am learning the basics all over again. Looking forward to learning more.

  112. Gabriela 13 October 2012 at 7:10 am

    …April is long gone but I’m extremely happy to have stumbled upon your blog…I am a beginner and am looking forward to your lessons!!!

  113. Tom 27 November 2012 at 10:24 am

    My son (27) wants a Scottish kilt. I have played with my Janome DC-2011 enough to know I need help. I am looking forward to following your class. Yesterday I chose delete by mistake on my phone. Please allow me to try again, this time on a computer.
    Thanks Tom

  114. Melly 28 November 2012 at 12:39 am

    Well I am super late, but super excited to find your blog. I have had 2 sewing machines. One that my mom bought for me that say in a box for 2 years until she borrowed it and eventually broke it. And then the one I bought last February that I hope to make amazing aprons with one day. But so far have only braved hemming my 10 yr old sons pants with. I did use the extra jean fabric to make my 5 yr old daughter a frayed purse (without a pattern). I cut out an apron pattern, but I am like a lion in alaska when it comes to sewing. Totally lost. As soon as I can muster up the funds to buy the other things I need to do this, I plan to day by day go through this coarse. Thank you so much for being so helpful. I feel hope yet for my sewing career. He he

  115. sara kessie 12 February 2013 at 7:16 pm

    Hey Raechel! I am also super excited about finding this blog! I have had a sewing machine sitting in my garage for 5 years with the intention of learning how to use it. During those 5 years I graduated college, started a career, got married, and had 2 children! Now I am finally ready to indulge in something for myself! I cant wait to go through this! Thanks!

  116. Lex Hendersin 12 March 2013 at 10:13 pm

    Hey Rachel,

    My name is Lex. I’ve wanted for years to make my own clothing and was to scared to try. I found your website and was so excited thank you so much. I’m really looking forward to starting to follow one of my dreams!

  117. Katy 20 April 2013 at 8:48 am

    I know it’s a long time later but I’m about to devour all of these tutorials! Dusting off my sewing machine after 10 years to make my baby boy some summer rompers :)

  118. Carol T a.k.a. 1HotGran 10 May 2013 at 3:20 pm

    Hi Raechel, just found your site at the recommendation of Lauren over at ‘The Thinking Closet’, I have always wanted to learn to sew, always had a hard time with a simple straight line. I have 4 machines and a whole bunch of fabric thanks to my mom who moved in with me and was a hoarder of fabric through her quilting years so I probably have everything I need except the proper instruction, Lauren thinks I could get that from your site, so please don’t remove any of your lessons because it may take a while for me to get through them. Bless you for sharing your knowledge with the world.

    • raechelm 13 May 2013 at 10:56 am

      So, so glad you’re taking the time to go through the lessons, Carol! And don’t worry, these will be up here for a good, long time – Lord willing. Enjoy! And please do share as you go what you are learning! Wishing you happy sewing times ahead! xoxo – Raechel

  119. Vicky T 13 November 2013 at 1:04 pm

    Oh, I am in! I just received my Brother XL-3750 and I am so ready to get going on sewing projects! Thank you for taking your time in teaching us, and of course, many thanks for sharing your knowledge and talent!!

  120. Taylor G 15 November 2013 at 12:42 pm

    Hi! I’m a mostly new sewer. I learned a bit in my “family & consumer science class” in middle school 15 years ago, and I managed to sew new covers for some couch pillows using my friend’s sewing machine a year or two ago (although not in a particularly skilled fashion). I put a sewing machine (Singer 7258 Stylist) and a number of related supplies on my Christmas list for this year, and I’m looking forward to first shortening some curtains and mending some clothes but eventually doing other home decor and maybe clothing items. I was excited to find your class archive–I want to look at the first few lessons now to make sure I get the right supplies, and when I’m ready to get started in January I plan to follow the remaining lessons to learn some of the basics. Thanks in advance for all the work you put into this!

  121. Shauna 4 January 2014 at 1:00 pm

    I’m coming SUPER late to the game, but I got my first sewing machine for Christmas and am so excited to learn some skills and how to use it. :) Guess I’ll do everything except the bag project you mentioned above. I guess that it isn’t available anymore. :(

    • raechelm 6 January 2014 at 11:44 am

      Hey Shauna! So glad you’re doing the course!! I’m definitely sorry the bag is no longer available, but all the other lessons will be just as beneficial!! Enjoy! xoxo-Raechel

      • Shauna 13 January 2014 at 9:30 pm

        Raechel, you were right they were extremely beneficial. I did them all so far except shirring, that one scared me a little bit. ;) I feel so knowledgeable and a little fancy! I did have a question, not sure if you can help or not, but it’s worth a shot. I have a Singer Curvy and I’ve had problems with the zig zag stitch when they are super small length or width. For example, when I did the elastic in the channel, I couldn’t really do the zig zag to well to secure the elastic down. It would just go back and forth in the same spot almost over and over and the material wouldn’t move through like normal. Does that make sense? Didn’t know if this is something maybe a rookie just wouldn’t know. Thanks again for all the awesome tutorials. I think I found a simple enough pattern to try not that I have a little experience under my belt! :)

  122. Carmen Rosa 12 March 2014 at 12:27 pm

    Hola, mi nombre es Carmen y estoy feliz de haber encontrado esta pagina, iniciare el curso y gracias por compartir su conocimiento Bendiciones

  123. Samantha 18 March 2014 at 10:13 pm

    Thank you so much for this!!! I also took a fashion production class in high school and instantly fell in love with it. Sadly I had to cut the year short and only got about 2 months into it. I still have a general understanding of seeing but I definitely want to dive into the wonderful world! My aunt recently have me a machine and I have a laundry list of things I want to do. I’m so grateful to have the help!

  124. Faye Lowery 23 March 2014 at 11:16 am

    Looked at your sewing 101 last night. Love the way you have students to keep a log of their work. Lessons are sequenced well. Looking forward to viewing the other videos.

  125. Tori 22 April 2014 at 1:58 pm

    Hi! Came across this class and syllabus while doing some research. I may not do the class every day but I will definitely be paying attention and referring back throughout the next few months. Thanks for doing this!

  126. Kim 15 May 2014 at 12:27 pm

    I realize this post is from 2 years ago, but I just came across it and I am so glad I did! Your lessons look so well organized, I can’t wait to get started! Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together – I have neither the money nor the flexibility in my schedule to take classes from a craft or fabric store, but I’ve always wanted to learn to sew. I have high hopes for this setup. Will let you know how it goes!

  127. Heather 1 July 2014 at 2:02 pm

    Tuning in (only two years late). I just started teaching myself about a month ago on my mom’s Singer Simple machine. Can’t wait to learn how to use this beast properly so I’m not intimidated anymore!

  128. danielle 6 August 2014 at 4:23 pm

    Two years too late, but I plan on following along. I am starting from scratch and just bought my first machine.

  129. Erin Bowen 13 October 2014 at 1:35 am

    I’m so excited to try and follow this course! I have never attempted to sew anything ever but I have always wanted to learn! I know that this class has already started and finished a long time ago but I thought I’d still let you know that I’m going to give it the old college try!

  130. Dana 18 November 2014 at 10:01 am

    Very late to the game here! I reviewed the site and still think this will be helpful for me to use as a guide. I just opened the box of my first sewing machine and plan on learning to use it over the next severa months (great winter past time I figure). In the introduction you have a link to a bag but it is not available anymore. Is there another one you would recommend that is similar? Thanks!

  131. Danielle 2 December 2014 at 1:47 pm

    So I know I’m two and a half years too late for the ongoing instruction, but I just found this after googling ‘sewing 101’ and plan to do the coursework. Learning to sew effectively is on my list to do this year. I have a 3 yr old daughter and a husband who I still owe a nifty samurai Halloween costume =)

    I’m a “sorta” beginner. I’ve had basic instruction from both of my grandmas who were both well practiced, and took a high school home ec class about 18 years ago and remember little. My grandmas are both gone but I’ve inherited two machines. One is a Singer from 1952 and the other is either a 20ish year old Singer or a EuroPro from the last 10 years or so.

  132. Shalyn 5 January 2015 at 8:41 pm

    I’m jumping in, even though the bus has long made it’s rounds. I’m excited though. I’ve sewn on and off for about 7 years but never taken much time to actually learn the correct way to do things. ;-) So I can make a real pretty dress for my daughters (4yr and 6yr) that you would ooo and ahhh over but it usually takes me three times as long as it needs to…requires much more fabric than it should have…causes way too many headaches…oh and sometimes falls apart after I wash it once. ;-) But I do love to sew, it puts me in heart touch with my sweet Granna…and now that my girls are getting more and more independent, I can actually put some energy and focus into learning this trade that I love. I have many classes planned out for this year but yours is my first and I just can’t wait! Thank you thank you for sharing your heart and knowledge like you have. I’ve read though the outline of the course already so I know it’s lots of good stuff.

  133. Carlie 23 January 2015 at 9:15 am

    Dear Raechel,

    Yes, yes, yes! Coming across your “Sewing 101” course just made my day…no, year! I was given my late Grandmother-in-laws WHITE Model 130 machine. I have no idea what year it came out, but it is built into a sewing desk and it just so neato. Over ten years ago, I learned how to sew through my involvement in the 4-H club, but I didn’t keep the practice up and with this “new” machine I feel totally brand-new to the art. My mother sews and I have always admired her skill and want to get back into it. So, my point is THANK YOU, Raechel! One question – I noticed that the “Portabellopixie’s Market Bag Sewing Pattern” link is no longer working. Do you think I can still follow your lessons and make it without having the pattern right in front of me?

    In Jesus’ Love, SRT sister!

  134. Sam 30 May 2015 at 7:02 pm

    I went to the Etsy shop in an attempt to purchase the pattern for the week four project. It’s not open any longer. What do you think is a good substitute?

  135. Bolanle 27 June 2015 at 1:13 am

    I am so very much interested in taking this course. In my second week of my 6months training now and would be glad to follow here. Planning to get my sewing machine in a week though not decided on which to buy; would appreciate your advice on which would be the best option for me as i intend to go into this as a job. Thank you

  136. Tiffene 30 January 2016 at 3:30 am

    I’m joining in a few years late and unfortunately can no longer find the pattern you’re using in week 4 but I’m still going to do all the lessons up to that. I’m so excited! And I am a very very beginner! Thanks for doing this!

  137. Carla Fischer 8 March 2016 at 7:35 pm

    I have enough skills with using a sewing machine to make a few things but after browsing a few of your lessons, I can see that I will learn so much more from you. I am excited to start this weekend!

  138. Katie 21 October 2016 at 1:27 pm

    Hey there! I am teaching my eldest to sew and this looks like a great resource! We are looking forward to what we will find as we go along. Thanks for the class!

  139. filepuma 16 April 2017 at 11:20 am

    interested in taking this course. In my second week of my 6months training now and would be glad to follow here. Planning to get my sewing machine in a week though not decided on which to buy; would appreciate your advice on which would be the best option for me as i intend to go into this as a job. Thank you

  140. Isabel C. Criado 25 July 2017 at 7:35 am

    It’s, late July and just found your website. I plan to follow your lessons and to buy the machine you recommend.

    Thank you so much for the tip on the machine. I was planning to buy a new one (mine 40 years old) to get into sewing more seriously. Just can’t adapt to styles and cost of clothing today.

    I have some experience. Have put wearable things together, but plan to use your course as a refresher, and a spring board to get into more embroidery, (have always done simple things by hand).

  141. Jennifer 11 April 2012 at 4:37 pm

    Hi all! I’m a little late. Just got my new sewing machine today! But I going to follow along with Sewing 101 :)


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