this month

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i saw this rad new font on a store window downtown franklin this weekend. an and just a few minutes later i found out that it’s called matchbook and that it’s free.

now I just needed a good excuse to use it, so here you have it- the month that lies ahead [as we’ve planned it]:

what about y’all? any big plans for july? anybody recently turn thirty and keep their head about them as they went? i know it will be fine… just feels so final.

here’s to 8 more days “in my twenties”. between the library, naps and park dates, they’re bound to be wild + crazy, no doubt.


[find me here today writing for #SheReadsTruth. have you heard about it? have you joined? learn more here.]

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12 Responses

  1. ShelbyDee 2 July 2012 at 10:23 am

    Hit 30 today! A wise friend once told me this: “Today, right now, is the youngest you’ll ever be. Enjoy it!” So that’s the attitude I’m taking. And it’s fabulous!

  2. Kelli 2 July 2012 at 11:00 am

    I have joined #shereadstruth this month and I love it. I love the community and time in His Word. Happy early birthday.

  3. Hailey L. 2 July 2012 at 11:19 am

    Yayy for July! Looks like y’all will be busy!

    We will celebrate Caroline’s 6th birthday and the hubs is on vacation for a week. We are stoked to have him home with us for a WHOLE week!

  4. Krista 2 July 2012 at 12:39 pm

    I have a love/hate relationship with July. I love summer, and July is usually the first nice summer month in Southern California (May is nice but then June rolls along and gives us what we call “June Gloom” — lots of fog and yuckiness that usually breaks in early July), but it’s also always really busy for me. This year I’m dog sitting for my parents’ dogs, going to a conference in San Diego for work, and then spending a week on vacation in Idaho before coming home to another week of vacation here in California. Phew!

    Enjoy your last week of your 20s!

  5. Amanda 2 July 2012 at 4:51 pm

    I turned 33 a couple of weeks ago. It’s all good, this thirty-something thing. (but I think it’s totally acceptable to have uncertain feelings about it.)
    Thanks for the sweet font! Love it!

  6. Amanda 2 July 2012 at 4:56 pm

    P.S. July means heading way into the wilderness of far northern Ontario for us. Cabin time on the water with family, living the simple life. No running water, no electricity. My oldest (twins) begin driver’s ed class this month (eek!) summer is the only time it fits into their schedule with sports during the school year, so they’re taking it a little early. Now THAT – having kids that are edging closer to driving age – THAT is way scarier than turning 30! :)

  7. Amy 2 July 2012 at 6:18 pm

    I turned 30 last August and planned a trip to Chicago (where I grew up) with my sister. I had never been there as a tourist. We stayed downtown at a historic hotel and went to a New Kids on the Block concert (dorky I know). We went to the Art Institute. We shopped til we dropped and took cabs and ate at interesting restaurants. It was AWESOME! Find a way to mark your milestone girlie!

  8. Kristen 3 July 2012 at 7:42 am

    I turn 33 in 2 days. I remember turning 30. I went to bed at 7 on the 4th. I too felt 30 was so final; old even. But when I woke in the morning, being 30 felt no different. I’m finding, like Amanda, being in my thirty’s isn’t so bad. I asked my mom a few years ago how old she felt and she said you are as old as you feel. I think that’s a pretty good way to look at it. I also like Shelby’s idea.
    Our July consists of my girls turning 5 & 7, going to the beach to see family (we moved across the state recently) and soaking up as many days of this summer vacation as we can. My youngest goes to Kindergarten and it’s bittersweet. I’m trying to prepare myself and make memories. Hoping for some unexpected adventures, too. Happy soon to be Birthday!! Everything will be alright =)
    Kristen in NC

  9. Laura G. 3 July 2012 at 8:09 am

    I turned thirty in March, and it wasn’t so bad. It helps to have a wonderful birthday and that we still look and feel young. :) Admittedly, I’m still having a hard time thinking of myself in my “thirties” though!

  10. Micaela 3 July 2012 at 12:18 pm

    No big plans, but I’m off for two months with my little boy and I’m determined not to waste it! To live more like Raechel! ;) I’ve even made a schedule for every day of the week! Full of tons of fun stuff, of course, like swimming every morning.

  11. Tracy 3 July 2012 at 4:07 pm

    I just turned 30 in May. Honestly, I was more freakish about it BEFORE I was actually 30, than I am now. I’m over it. And, hey, it only took 2 months. ;)


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