Hazel’s Picks | toddler girls’ coats

Posted by & filed under Hazel's Picks, just things.

It’s finally time for fun winter coat shopping! (okay, if you live north of the Mason-Dixon, it’s probably been time to have a coat for over a month now, and if that’s the case I guess I’m a little behind, aren’t I?)

Let’s just say it’s the time of year that I’m finally getting around to hunt for winter coats for my kiddos. And, just like last time, it seems friendly to share all of my hunting efforts with y’all. Kinda like a book report for people who do more shopping than reading (guilty).

And this time? I totally listened! There is a great big price range all the way from $12.50 – $99! (And of course, there are always discounts to be found, Ebates to be earned, and systems to be triumphantly beaten!)

Enjoy the pretty bunting for the 2T-ish loves in your life!

// A: babyGap // B: Patagonia // C: Dollhouse Kids // D: Garnet Hill // E: mini Boden //
// F: Old Navy // G: Old Navy // H: WalMart // I: Old Navy //


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8 Responses

  1. Jessi 13 November 2012 at 11:36 am

    Great picks Rae! ;) I love “I”! Even tho Anni already has a few coats, she DOES live in MN and Old Navy has crazy sales so I might have to keep my eye on that one! Thanks lady!

  2. Meredith 13 November 2012 at 9:26 pm

    Well, you know I am partial to the red Boden coat since Emerson has it. And here is a Boden 25% off code…x1t4. Now you can get two since your saving some money on the Boden coat.


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