Goodbye winter!
Though this might seem premature, it’s not – it’s time.
Goodbye snow boots and lots of layers and pretty knitted scarves.
Goodbye cold walks to the bus stop
and delicious wintery soups.
Goodbye to our ‘snowcation‘ in Michigan
and asking Daddy to light the fireplace.
Goodbye “close the door! you’re letting the cold in!”
and funny ‘snow days’ from school
and Christmas joy and Valentine chocolates.
Goodbye winter!
I suppose you weren’t so bad after all!
Thanks for the memories and all the joy you brought my little people.
We’ll see you again next year!
Meanwhile, in Chicago…
They are so cute in layers.
Not goodbye here! The car says 22 below! Just a little chilly here!
We are just saying hello to winter here in OK. Its been like spring until today. Getting 4-6 inches right now. Kiddos couldn’t be more excited!
They are so stinking, stinking cute!
and also? NOT FAIR. it’s 20 degrees today.
I had said good bye as well. However, winter had another plan and is scheduled to show up here in KS tomorrow and drop off 6-10 inches.. Maybe I should head to TN! Your kids are adorable and make winter look good! :)