Hey, y’all!
Today gets to be a little bit different. I’ve agreed to be a part of a 3-part writing series with Children’s Mucinex – which is actually a lot cooler than it sounds. Yes, having sick kids is no fun, and preventing sickness is definitely the first line of defense, but the series is all about what to do when your babes are sick. You know… the snuggling, the reading heaps of books, the favorite comforting recipes, and – if you can find something to relieve their symptoms – the craft projects or fun distractions when your peanut has the sick day blues.
And let’s be honest – a change of pace is kinda nice, isn’t it?
Lots of bloggers are writing in this series, and it will be running through February and March, so if you have a sick kiddo, definitely look up these posts as great resources!
So, sick days.
The Myers family has actually been pretty fortunate this winter – so far we have avoided the heartache of being laid low by this especially rough cold and flu season. (I know this is the part where I’m suppose to knock on wood… or go wash my hands… or gargle something foul that sterilizes my mouth…)
Except for my cougher.
He gets it from me. When Oliver gets sick, it’s not a stuffy nose or watery eyes. It doesn’t even last long and it’s rarely a fever. It’s the aftermath. The crud. It’s coughing until he’s blue in the face. I hate it for him.
[And, I so wish I could not relate. I am terrible to go anywhere in public for weeks after I’ve had a cold because I never know when a coughing fit is going to creep out of nowhere – loud and lasting – and shame me back into hiding for a few more days. It’s the worst. Not to mention that my poor husband prefers to sleep on the sofa on those nights when I’m up barking and sniffling… The worst.]
Except we’re not talking about me, are we? Ahem.
We’re talking about Oliver and his crazy (yet inherited honestly) cough. That poor, poor child.
And the thing is, it’s just a cough and it will pass. But I can’t send him to school distracting the other kids – and worse – feeling miserable. So (and I’m not selling you a line, y’all), I give him Children’s Mucinex and it works. It’s non-drowsy, keeps his chest loose, but also eases his cough so he can play it cool and learn to read at the same time.
Of course, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t occasionally wish I could just keep him home for the day and treat him the way only a Mama does. But a dose of the good stuff means no snuggly sick day on the sofa with my boy. He can totally manage a school day with a dose of the cherry-flavored wonder before the bus and a “you’re doing great!” note in his lunch box.
And even though we haven’t had a lot of sick days around here recently (again: knocking, washing and gargling…), I will be sharing later this month about a few things we’ve done in the past when we weren’t so fortunate, to keep my little people comfortable and feeling special. So definitely check back!
Children’s Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold
When your child has a bad cold, you both can feel miserable. Children’s Mucinex is the #1 children’s brand for relieving congestion* and provides fast acting relief from your child’s worst cold symptoms. Try Children’s Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold if your child needs relief from stuffy nose and chest congestion. Always use Children’s Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold as directed. (*Based on IRI unit share data for the 52 weeks ending November 2012)
Children's Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold is offering readers a $2.00 off coupon to use on your next purchase, you can retrieve your coupon here! Would you like a chance to win a $100 CVS gift card? Let me know “What activity makes your child smile when under the weather?”
No duplicate comments.
You may receive 1 total entry by leaving a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post.
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 2/6/2013 – 3/31/2013
Be sure to visit the Children’s Mucinex Multi-Symptom Cold page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!
We don’t have a CVS nearby but I want to echo how amazing Children’s Mucinex is!! I only wish they made a dye-free version…maybe something to pass along to them. ;) It’s been so helpful with my boys when they get croup. The combo of cough suppressant and expectorant is so helpful. Thanks for sharing the info. :)
My daughter likes watching Nick Jr. when she’s under the weather.
Um…. nursing. Pretty much all the boy wants when he’s sick! Curious George helps too. :)
Baby B loves to watch the monkey show (Curious George), it always makes him feel better!
My kids are finally getting old enough to be able to teat these symptoms and I have to admit it is such a relief, I have to admit. And on the subject of confessions… my kids watch TV when they are sick. We let them pick one movie “just for him” from the library or redbox.
When one of my children are feeling under the weather they love a warm blanket straight out of the dryer and a Dr. Seuss book read to them.
My sweet boy is also a cougher. Like cough until he pukes cougher. Hate it. I’ll have to try Mucinex! This post actually came at the perfect time. God used your blog to tell me something! I was just praying I’d find something to make my son feel better. When he’s sick, we like to cuddle and watch Mickey Mouse. He loves it!
When my little lady gets sick, we like to snuggle on the couch together, and watch a special movie like “Beauty and the Beast” or “Tinkerbell”. I’ve never tried the Children’s Mucinex, but may have to. Thanks for the info!
let’s go with snuggling :)
Rowan watches Shaun the Sheep. “More sheep!”
My kids like their ipads and watching movies when they are sick.
I don’t have a kid…yet, but one is on the way. When my nephews are sick we like to play legos. It is a good low key activity and we can use our imaginations. If they get tired we can leave it and pick it up again when they want.
Movies, uh-duh. It’s like the only time I’m okay with them watching endless episodes of Phineas and Ferb–it keeps them still, at least. It won’t win me Mother of the Year, I realize, but I’m just going for Mother Who Is Not Sick. (We have coughers, too, but it’s of the my-nose-won’t-stop-dripping-and-tickling-my-throat variety. J and B BOTH are this way, and it is enough to drive you maaaaaaaad. It can go for days and prevent sleep for an entire household. Crossing fingers and knocking on wood over here, too. Here’s hoping y’all continue to stay well.)
They love snuggling on the couch with a favorite blanket!
When my kids are sick I usually give them a new coloring book, so we can color together or play Tic Tac Toe.
This isn’t so much an “activity,” but when I run out for medicine, I also grab a few new sippy or straw cups of some sort. The novelty of a new cup helps them get down extra fluids.
My 3 year old just wants quiet activities when she isn’t feeling well: books, tv, sleeping. My 2 year old doesn’t seem to be bogged down when he’s sick and he is just as active as ever :)
My children love snuggling while watching television when they are feeling under the weather. I love the extra snuggle time, but hate they feel so bad!
snuggles, lots of books & the movie dumbo when he’s really sick…when we’re starting to feel better, but too snotty/coughy to leave the house–make-shift tents, legos & play dough. :)
PLEASE NOTE MOMS: This medication is not to be given to children under te age of four. Mayo clinic advises children not take over the counter cold medications. Below is an exert from one of their articles
FDA experts are studying the safety of cough and cold medicines for children older than age 2. In the meantime, remember that cough and cold medicines won’t make a cold go away any sooner — and side effects are still possible. If you give cough or cold medicines to an older child, carefully follow the label directions. Don’t give your child two medicines with the same active ingredient, such as an antihistamine, decongestant or pain reliever. Too much of a single ingredient could lead to an accidental overdose.
Just a Mom who does not believe in treating the symptoms with over the counter medications other than Tylenol for a fever!
I comfort my girls by making sure they are hydrated and a warm bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup.
Any thoughts on homeopathic medicines?
The only thing that makes my grumpy kid happy when she’s sick is to be able to watch some movies and eat a few popsicles.
That being said, the Mucinex mini-melts have been a LIFE SAVER for me this winter! I can’t believe how well they work!
No kids, but hopefully it is still ok to respond! My nieces like to watch movies when sick!
SHOWS. We can occasionally coerce them into sleeping or sitting for some stories, but 99% of the time my sickos want to lounge in front of a cartoon. =)
My kiddo loves snuggling, reading, board games and movies when he’s sick. I’ll have to try Mucinex next time he has a cough. Thanks for the tip!
Snuggling. And a good movie of his choice!
My little guy is NOT a snuggler (boo!) but when he’s sick and wakes up in the middle of the night I go running because it’s my only chance for cuddling! If he’s not feeling good, sometimes I’ll pick up a helium balloon for him and then he’s all smiles no matter what.
Also, last time he had a bad cold, my Dr. told me to dip a teaspoon into honey and let him have it before bed or when he was coughing. It opens up the airway and helps them breath better! It actually worked and of course he loved the sweet stuff!
Movies, snuggling, books!
Reading a few books with mommy always helps :)
Lots of lots of hugs and cuddles.
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
watching his favorite cartoons
SuperWhy. Also the answer to everything else.
When my girls are under the weather, they like to be cuddled up under a blanket while they watch one of the favorite movies:-)
My little guy loves to snuggle up with Mommy or Daddy, with nice warm, soft blankets. Mommy loves to give him Mucinex – it’s been a life saver over and over again.
When my boys are sick or feeling puny, the only thing they want is to lay in my bed with me and watch cartoons. So, I load up with water, chips, any medicines, Kleenex and possibly some chocolate and we all hunker down in my bed. I might let each one pick out a movie and then we settle in for some serious comfortable fun. The boys think it’s the greatest treat ever and if I rest my eyes, *ahem* no one is the wiser!
We love to watch The Princess bride; it always helps.
telling her a story about when she was a baby
My kids like laying in our bed watching a movie or cartoons when they aren’t feeling well
When we spend time reading together, or doing any other craft projects at home, and television, they always feel better.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
A new box of markers and sketch pad helps my girl to pass the time when she isn’t feeling well. And snuggling, lots of snuggling.
we lay in bed and watch bubble guppies or fresh beat band!
Hazel LOVES bubble guppies!! :)
Favorite cartoons and snuggling on the couch.
A fun movie or cartoon with snacks work the wonder when under the weather.
My little one loves to “watch a movie ‘gether” when she’s feeling under the weather. I love how comforted she is by snuggling together! :)
My son likes watching Spongebob or the Fresh Beat Band to cheer him up.
watching bugs bunny videos usually does the trick
Watching cartoons or drinking smoothies makes her smile
Watching TV in bed or playing their 3DS. My oldest son likes to read on the iPad as well :) THANKS!
My child likes eating noodle soup and watching a Harry Potter movie when she’s sick.
Snuggling and watching Dora the Explorer
Being allowed to have a sippy cup of juice in the living room in front of the tv watching cartoons. I think I even get some *fake* sniffles sometimes in hopes of recreating this sick activity! :)
Lots of snuggles! :)
chambanachik at gmail dot com
watching cartoons all day
We read a lot of stories and watch videos from his favorite tv show sites
My son just likes playing with his toys.
Playing games on the iPad.
My kids just like to stay in bed and watch their favorite cartoons or play on the ipad.
he’s only 3 months but he loves to fly “airplane”!
I am not sure if my first comment went through or not. If so, please delete one
My girls love reading, movies and books when under the weather
Getting to sleep in front of the tv
When one of my kids is feeling under the weather all they want to do is lie around and watch videos. Maybe legos and markers enter the picture.
my kids love watching home videos when they are sick
playing video game with daddy
Reading books with me (or listening to me read)! Thanks for a chance to win and have a great day!
building with legos
Watching movies makes them feel better.
My son loves playing with his LEGOs. :)
twitted this today, 18/03
movies,snacks and hot green tea
My kids like to watch movies, play games or read together.
My daughter loves to watch The Parent Trap in her room over and over again when she feels crummy. She knows the words by heart
We like to snuggle in and watch movies when we aren’t feeling well
playing with his ipod and making a bed on the couch
No kids in my world
Reading a book keeps her happy.
Watching Disney movies
My son loves to cuddle with me and his favorite blanket while watching his favorite movies when he is feeling under the weather.
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
WAtching movies
Watching The Karate Kid used to make my son smile when he was sick.
My son likes to play cards with me when he isn’t feeling well.
We just stay in and read books, play games etc. after the fever is gone of course
going for a little walk outside always puts a smile on my kids faces when they are under the weather. A good way to get some fresh air too.
amy [at] utry [dot] it
My granddaughter likes to snuggle on the couch with her blankets and pillow and watch a movie.
Making storybook and watching tv for my little cousin, she can finally sit still when she’s feeling under the weather lol
songyueyu at gmail
They love to snuggle with a pile of Dr Seuss books.
We love to snuggle up with a Dr. Seuss book or play card games like Uno and Goldfish.
Watching movies and playing with dads tablet. Keeps them happy and resting
njharmonyg at aol dot com
My daughter enjoys drawing, reading and watching DVD’s when she is sick. She also loves lots of water and home made biscuits.
build castles with legos
We pretend that the cat is sick and do our best to make her all better.
An afghan, poached egg on toast, and Vick’s on the chest bring comfort to my kids. But the one-on-one time with Mom and puzzle books is probably their favorite.
No kids. I sleep as much as possible, drink lots of water and hot herbal tea and use essential oils.
Thanks for the contest.
We make a bed on the floor with lots of blankets and pillows and watch movies or play games. Just spending the day together resting seems to help everyone feel better
he loves to read books on his kindle
my son loves to play games online
Watching the Wizard of Oz is what my daughter likes to do when she is sick.
Popcorn crafts
My kids love to snuggle up with me and watch movies.
We play board games.
When my child is under the weather a simple cuddle while I read him his favorite book makes him smile.
A warm bath & Hot Chicken Noodle Soup. kari_944(at)yahoo(dot)com
My daughter loves to work on art projects – anything with paint!
paper doll books and coloring books
coloring books/sticker books & watching TV in bed!
For my son, he just wants to cuddle with me on the couch while watching his favorite cartoon!
We watch favorite tv shows and play uno
She likes to watch movies
Plastic canvas crafts.
We break out the board games and have a slow relaxing day around the house for everyone.
Cuddling, watching movies and having ice cream :)
They get to watch children’s tv in my big bed!!
Pokemon, drawing and chatting over skype with friends.
My daughter enjoys extra mom-time whether we’re reading, writing, playing games, or just resting. Katharina angelsandmusic[at]gmail[dot]com
I would make a “nest” on the sofa and watch our favorite movies. Thanks for the giveaway.
watching movies and peanut butter and marshmallows sandwiches.
pokergrl8 at gmail.com
my kids love to watch videos when they are under the weather! Thanks for a super giveaway!
coloring and watching tv
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
ice cream and disney movies
rounder9834 @yahoo.com