Late last Sunday night I received a phone call from somebody important. I’m pretty sure it was the head of the Williamson County School District, but I can’t remember exactly. (I should point out here that it was a recorded message and that I do not actually receive personal phone calls from her, nor does she call each family individually when there is something important to communicate).
I digress. (Already? Just two sentences in and I’m already digressing?)
Back to the personal phone call recording.
She called (me personally) to inform parents (and me, personally) that there had been an incident. A WCS maintenance employee had shot (shot at… I understand that no bullets actually made contact) his wife and children (NOT COOL) and that he was at large. There was a manhunt (their words). They sent his picture to all of us (probably not marriage material). And then they announced (and I appreciate this) that because there was a deranged gunman (my words) on the loose, there would be no school until he was apprehended (their words).
Translation: Zoo Day for me and my littles!
(It didn’t hurt that the weather was going to be in the 60s and sunny the next day!)
Of course, by the time the 10 o’clock news came on that night, there was that face from the photo again. Only this time, it wasn’t a photo. It was a video and it was handcuffed and being led out of (or into, I can’t be expected to remember this) a building.
Manhunt (their words): over.
Only then, the nice, important lady send me (and Ryan… but I’m pretty sure it was just the two of us…) an email to let us know that school was still cancelled, just because it was too late in the evening to really, thoroughly un-call-off school (my words).
And so, thanks (in a very weird and not actually very thankful but sort of sobering and scary way) to the deranged gunman, we got a bonus day!)
An out-of-the-blue, 60-degree, February Monday at the Zoo! (Though, in retrospect, I should have held off on announcing our day-off celebration location on Twitter until the man-at-large had been apprehended. Think, Raechel…)
And now, to conclude this narrative and move on to pictures of my kids being themselves. Perhaps I should just let allow the photos to do the talking since I’m clearly not equipped to tell a straight story today.
Have a lovely Saturday friends! So sorry my blog was down Thursday and Friday (what on earth did you do without it!?!). It’s actually another interesting story. And if you operate a blog of your own, there’s definitely some information that you should know (I learned a valuable lesson!). I’ll share next week!
Now, off to the gym for a run, then Whole Foods for lunch and groceries (our fun Saturday routine lately!).
WHOA that’s scary! I have to say, I really appreciate your school district’s caution though…and more fun for y’all as a family!
Yay for a zoo day. Boo for crazy guy!
Such a cute post!
Raechel, I’ve been following your blog since well before Hazel arrived on the scene.
I don’t know where I’ve been.. or if it’s just the change in seasons, or what – but upon my visit today, I can’t believe how your kids have grown! Growing & changing, and lovely as always!
I saw your tweet and I giggled a little, now I read the post and I giggled a lot. Love you
I LOVE going to the zoo! It’s always nice when you get random opportunities like that. :)
I love your reflection in that photo! hahaha!