This is totally random, but I just have to share my two favorite birthday greetings from this morning, just because they make me that happy!
First, this classic:
And second, a Facebook message from my friend Keight (you’re going to have to know her to fully appreciate this “sultry pickup line”, but still, it’s fantastic):
“Girl, you’ve been prov. 31 ALL your life, but now that you’re actually 31, your wool and flax proceeds are going to be EPIC! grasp that spindle and meet Ryan Myers at the city gates. xoxo”
That’s my Keight!
Have a great day, y’all :)
PS – an explanation of the top photo: we were at my cousin’s wedding in Michigan last Saturday, and Ryan was taking a photo of my sister and me together. Only, he snapped the shutter just as Oliver came running, crying and bleeding from the head as the result of a yard game gone wrong. Long story short, there were a lot of tears and a good bit of blood, but once we got him cleaned up and bandaged, he caught his reflection in the mirror, stopped crying and whispered to himself, “I look like a ninja!”
I am so glad he is ok but man, that first one, that is frameable!! I laughed so hard!
oh my gosh the fact that you have a pic of your reaction at that moment KILLS me. i cannot stop laughing. dying dying. you are harrowed.
also, you DO NOT have to know me to get that!!! you do, however, need to know my YAWEH probably.
you mah boo.
Happy 31 st!
That picture of your reaction is just awesome!
The story behind that reaction photo is KILLING me. (I think I’m repeating Keight here. But still. KILLING.) I’m so glad it was merely a flesh wound.
This may be the best blog post ever! Keight! The Face!
Love you.
Seriously. I cannot tell you how I simultaneously empathized with you and laughed att eh same time. Love you all!