We’re big “pile o’ books” people at our house.
Ryan and I love to get cozy on the sofa or in bed with the kids and a fat stack of books. He and I especially like to entertain each other with dramatic voices for all of the characters (Oliver occasionally kibosh’s this, but it rarely stops us!).
Reading is one of our favorite ways to connect with our kids–to grow their imaginations and to invite new characters, adventures, friendships and silliness into our home.
When I was pregnant with Oliver, one of the ladies in our church gave me a beautiful copy of “The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh” for our nursery and I couldn’t wait for the part of mommyhood where I got to sit with my child in my lap and read to him!
That part has come–with two children, and I’m so glad! And it’s been fun to have a collection of A.A. Milne’s classics as a part of our collection.
And you know? One thing we love almost as much as reading (okay, who am I kidding? my kids totally love it more than reading…) is movie night!
At least one evening a week (often while Ryan and I take turns jogging in the neighborhood), the kids beg to gather pillows and blankets (and popcorn and chocolate milk!) on the floor or in “daddy’s chair” for a movie night!
A lot of times it takes quite a while for everyone to agree on what we’ll watch–it usually comes down to a vote, and almost always Oliver concedes to Hazel’s wishes.
Just recently, we had the opportunity to enjoy the best of both worlds! BlogHer and Disney sent us an advance copy of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (available for the first time on Blu-ray Combo Pack and HD Digital on August 27th) to make for a very fun and imaginative family movie night.
{Everyone in our house loves the part when Pooh gets stuck in the tree and Rabbit tries to figure out the best way to decorate around his honey-loving bottom!}
What about you? Do you have a favorite story from the Pooh books or scene from the movie? Are y’all “pile o’ books” people or “movie night” people? I say, why not enjoy the best of both worlds!
To learn more about the imagination, friendships, and adventure of the Hundred Acre Woods you can visit Disney’s website or Facebook page.
Now, to enter for a chance to win a $50 Visa Gift Card and a Winnie The Pooh Blu-ray Combo Pack, share with us the importance of friendship, imagination and adventure in your child’s life…
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This sweepstakes runs from 8/1/2013 – 9/3/2013
Be sure to visit the Winnie The Pooh brand page on BlogHer.com where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!
Friendship, imagination and adventure are important for my children because they get to develop social skills and enjoy the fun of being a kid.
It’s important for kids to have friends to be happy and sociable
Friends help my son learn to share and care about others.
friends help us learn how to get along with all kinds of people… which is important for grownups, too :)
I love watching my sweetie with her friends. Even at 19 mos, she is so sweet and it teaches such great things like caring and empathy! We like to have lots of play dates to create opprotunities to learn those things. :)
Imagination, friendships, and a sense of adventure can open up the whole world to children. I try to nurture them and allow them to follow the beat of their own drums.
In our house, friendship, imagination and adventure go hand-in-hand(-in-hand). When we take our kids away from their routines and their “everyday,” they become so creative and playful, and seem to see each other in a fresh way.
It is important to learn necessary skills for a happy and rewarding life.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
tweet – https://twitter.com/LuLu_Brown24/status/363286175085101056
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
Every kid needs a buddy. Someone to learn and play with. When I think back on my own childhood most of my memories involve my best girl friends. I know my son will have similar memories as he grows with his friends.
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
Tweet: https://twitter.com/OneFrugalGirl/status/363503920858935296
onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
friendship, imagination and adventure are important because you need to escape and explore in your mind it helps you grow and be creative and it makes life that more interesting and everything is better with a friend
friendship imgination and adventure are so important in a childs life they bring happiness
It’s important for kids because it helps to develop their social skills.
It important because my children learn so much by playing together and with other kids, as well as by using their imaginations. This prepares them to be productive and happy adults.
Imagination is important for creativity and growing through adventures, which plays into their imagination.
Friendships and building relationships is a necessary skill for all ages
Friendship is important to have support in life and people to share the happy moments with and building relationships is important for careers. As for imagination? What would a grand adventure be without one? All are very important tools for a child to grow and prosper! :)
tweeted ! https://twitter.com/DeeGee13/status/363915366130401280
There is nothing more important than friendships and bonds while growing up and as an adult
I believe it prepares them for the real world.
I feel that the importance of friendship, imagination and adventure in my kids lifes help them to develope socially and emotionally.
Thanks so much.
These things are all important in my children’s live, because it gives them confidence, fun and helps them develop and learn about the world.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
Through friendship, children learn tolerance, compassion, and social interaction. Playing together inspires imagination, and that increases thinking power. So yes, it’s all very important to a child’s development.
Adventure brings new experiences and learning to children.
What’s life without friendship? I want to teach my kids how to love others well.
Kids need to experience all this to grow and become who they will be. It also helps with social skills, independence, and confidence.
Friendship, imagination and adventure help develop social and skills and self-confidence
these things are important,help them to learn about themselves and what them want in their life
We LOVE a pile of books! My mom read to us all the time and I’ve loved carrying that on with my kids! Especially Winnie the Pooh :)
Adventure allows you time to unwind and learn about yourself and how far you want to push yourself
Friendship, imagination and adventure are impoart for my kids because they make life richer and happier.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
My daughter thrives from friendships. She learns the most by mimicking others actions. I love watching her gain skills by being creative and using her imagination.
Friendship, imagination and adventure are important for my children because they get to develop social skills and enjoy the fun of being a kid.
Friendships are the bonds that keep my daughter happy, healthy, enables her to use imagination, and often a source for many adventures.
Imagination and adventure and friendship are all important aspects in a child’s development.
Friendships are very important in a childs life, it teaches them social skills.
Imagination and creative play? That happens daily in our house (our son is 4). It keeps the adults young.
These three things are what help my children to grown into emotional healthy adults.
Thank you.
Tweet https://twitter.com/JalapenoMama/status/366338514276724736
encouraging imagination builds problem solving skills for the future
Friendship is important for a person to grow up and become a good person.
he is only 8 months; so far friendship means someone new to chew on! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
friendships are important for children bc it develops relationships outside the family for a child
friendship is important to foster social skills
jen gersch intime@myself.com
because the combination of the 3 of them help to form his personality. He is drawn to kids who play and imagine like himself which helps him develop strong relationships
Friendship, imagination, and adventure are the stuff of childhood. I want to make sure I help my son experience these to the nth degree while they still come so naturally to him.
Imagination helps children become creative thinkers; friendship and adventure is an essential part of life
These 3 skills make for a happy childhood.
Friendship, imagination and adventure in your child’s life is important because it molds them to become who they are and teaches them love and acceptance.
Life is a series of moments, moments that would be nothing without friendship, imagination, and adventure!
https://twitter.com/Halliekaypee/status/370741877953163264 TWEET! thanks!
friendship, imagination, and adventure opens a child’s mind to a life of possibilities.
I think imagination is incredibly important and do whatever I can to encourage imagination through playtime.
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
Friendship & imagination are vital building blocks for an adventurous young life. Pooh out
Having a good imagination is a good thing in a child’s life.
Shared on twitter; In Which a literary classic pairs well with popcorn + chocolate milk http://www.raechelmyers.com/2013/08/in-which-a-literary-classic-pairs-well-with-popcorn-chocolate-milk/ via @raechelmyers@dobbss1910
I think friendship, imagination and adventure is important in my daughter’s life because it helps her become a well rounded person. Having friendships is important so that she doesn’t feel alone. I also want her to have an active imagination and plenty of adventure so she can dream big.
Imagination is so important to encourage it helps a child grow and be creative. I really think it helps them believe they can do anything. My kids and I have tea partys, and such are favorite is pretending to be a vet.
Friendship, Imagination and Adventure will help a child grow and want more from life.
It all makes learning fun and keeps you feeling young.
Friendship and imagination play critical roles in making loving humans, as evidenced by my 27 year old’s nickname is still Tigger, my other son Piglet and me mom-I’m Winnie.
Diane Baum
Friendship is the lodestone in our lives. Creativity and a sense of adventure can spark a child to perform better in school, become more confidant, problem solve – and lead to an amazing adulthood.
My daughter built a 20 year career based on imagination and a sense of adventure!
i tweeted here: https://twitter.com/bellows22/status/373636594852319232
It allows them to discover who they are, which is important for when they get older. sweepmorey at gmail dot com
tweeted https://twitter.com/mommysdizzy/status/373865310043901952
I love when kids have adventures is takes them to places they may never see with out a imagination
I love that my daughter has stayed friends with her buddies from daycare throughout the year, even when they went on to different schools. They’ve maintained a wonderful bond.
Our middle daughter personifies friendship, imagination and adventure. She sees the good in almost everyone and is an artist.
It will help enrich his life and make him a better person.
I think they all build character and help the kids live healthy active social lives.
Friendship, adventure, and imagination are all important aspects in a children’s life. They grow emotionally and mentally and it let’s them be who they are and discover themselves. It gives them skills they will need in their adult lives. I love sitting and just watching my kids use their imaginations!
It helps them be good people as they grow into adults.
by reading out loud and spending time creating from nothing I can help my children open their mind
Friendship is very improtant in any childs life, i try to get my son to build as many friendships early in life as possible to help teach him how to share and give him a sense of loyalty. Adventure and imagination are also soo so important to my young son, these charactoristics play big roles in anything a child does and wants to grow up to be, imagination allows him to pretend to be anything he wants and adventure lets him think of things he can do that help him imagine what he wants to be.
It builds character, creates a world of fun, and leads to a happy childhood.
It is so important for kids to have an imagination. As my kids grow I see how their imagination grows too! I encourage their creativity and socializing with similar friends!
Friendship, imagination and adventure are necessary for children so they obtain the qualities necessary for them to become optimistic, happy adults!
fostering friendship, imagination and adventure in a child will create an adult who is caring, giving, open-minded, and non-judgmental.
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
Friendship, imagination and adventure are important for my children because they get to develop social skills
The importance of friendship, imagination and adventure in my child’s life is the fond memories she’ll have of them as she grows older.
Seeing the imagination in my three and five year old kiddos is simply amazing. Do you remember the power of imagination? “No, that dining room chair is not just a chair, Mom, it’s my Corvette!” And studies have shown that a healthy imagination in children leads to better skills at coping, creativity and problem-solving as they grow up!
*tweet, tweet*
Imagination and adventure can take the boring days and make them something memorable.
Friendship, imagination, and adventure are key components of every childhood.
Friendship, imagination and adventure are so vital to children growing into productive, well adjusted and happy adults.
I truly believe that friendship, imagination and adventure are of the utmost importance in our child’s life. They help with growth and maturity and help keep life fun and exciting.
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
Friendships for the foundation for the future while giving kids the opportunity for adventure and imagination with best friends.
Tweet – https://twitter.com/willitara/status/374937247977447424
No kids here of my own, but as someone who used to be a kid LOL I have an opinion on why it would be important. I feel each of those three things create the adult the child becomes. I know that my friendships lead to an adult social network, my imagination led to a degree, hobby, and part-time career in writing, and adventures gave me many memories of life experiences that I love repeating during vacations now!
I tweeted here: https://twitter.com/MsTofuFairy/status/374945082572414976
Friendship, imagination and adventure are important for my children to be well rounded.
Friendship, imagination and adventure are the most important parts of my sons’ lives. While they dream up backyard adventures with friends not only are they developing their creative and social skills, but more importantly they are enjoying their childhood years (which go by way to fast)
It is important for kids to learn these skills for success in life.
Tweeted https://twitter.com/happeegirl/status/374961506321850368
The little one already has quite the vivid imagination!
Friendship, imagination and adventure sounds like the background summary of our most beloved bedtime stories. It’s an excellent combination to raise kids within so they grow well rounded
Friendship, imagination and adventure are the three best things when you’re a child. Friendship for when you’re feeling lonely. Imagination for when you’re feeling bored. Adventure for when you’re feeling a little..well, adventurous! ;)
-Ashley Marie Morrissey
Friendship, imagination and adventure are all important for kids (and adults, too) We take a daily hike around the lake and see what adventures we can have.
Thanks for the contest.
Its very important that my kids have fun with there imagination and go on fun adventures with there good friends.
My daughter cherishes her friends and sticks up for them when there is a need. I always taught her that friendship is important and to cherish those that stick by her side. and with friends, there is always adventure.
It helps them become creative and kind adults.
momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
These things are as important to me as their doing well in school. It is important to be well rounded.