You guys.
It’s been too long.
Seriously – my last post was three weeks ago, and that was a giveaway!
I’ve been busy. Busier than I’ve been in a long time. One night a week or so ago I turned to Ryan around midnight and told him that this season feels a heck of a lot like that time we were seniors in college, newly married, had just bought a house, were taking 18-20 credit hours each, he was working 30 hours/wk and we were gutting our kitchen and finishing our basement. We. Are. Tired.
And back then we weren’t also trying to keep to kids alive, well-adjusted and homeschooled.
But, when people ask me how we’re doing, my response is honestly: crazy busy. but super happy.
These days are full. I’m doing what I love. Homeschooling is going really well and the kids are loving all these bonus warm-weather days to play at the creek behind our house.
The thing that is keeping me the busiest (and that I am loving the mostest) has been the rapid growth and demands of operating SheReadsTruth.com. You may remember me telling you about it here and a few other times, and I believe that many of you reading here are also active members of the SheReadsTruth community.
In short, SheReadsTruth is a community of women who are committed to reading the Bible daily. We do it together. I, with an amazing team of writers, write in response to the scriptures we’re reading to create daily devotionals for the community to enjoy and discuss together. And, because of the rapid growth I mentioned earlier, we are taking some giant leaps of faith to develop a crowd-funded app. It will be free. It will, we hope, contain full Bible content in a number of versions, and it will be so so so pretty.
You guys, I’m so happy. I also have moments of fear and overwhelmed and ill-equipped and a whole lot of Lord, you have the wrong girl!
But it’s good. It’s really good.
Last night I was reading Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon in the bathtub (because that’s the only place I can go to enjoy a few undistracted moments) and I read these words:
“If you seek humility, try hard work; if you would know your nothingness, attempt some great thing for Jesus. If you would feel how utterly powerless you are apart from the living God, attempt especially the great work of proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ, and you will know, as you never knew before, what a weak unworthy thing you are.”
That Spurgeon. He speaks such truth.
But enough about that for now. Honestly, I just have so many little bits of joy from these past few weeks with my kids, that I just want to close with those!
I think I could sum up these images by saying that we got our old dog back (that’s a post for another day), my Mom got a new dog, Oliver is happy and hilarious and creative, and Hazel feels like a teeny baby still one minute, and like a straight-up kid the next.
Crazy busy, but super happy!
How are y’all??? I’m so curious how many of you do SheReadsTruth?? Also, how many of you let your kids dress the dog?
I do shereadstruth, but from the email. (I have a droid so the new app won’t be in my pocket…) Love it, and you!
Your mom’s puppy is adorable! Is it going to be as big as Rebecca’s?
Hey friend!
1. Yes, Charlie is going to be BIGGER than Bess. (oh my)
2. Working hard to be able to swing an Android app too… :)
love love love. Even though I miss reading posts from people I love, it’s fun knowing that it’s because they are living life so fully offline. Makes me happy happy. love you!
Love you, Kac :)
I’m a SRT reader! SO thankful for it!! I’m hopeful that the app will be smashingly successful so that there will be a droid one!
Hey! Welcome – thanks for saying hi!! Like I told Tracy above – I want a droid app for y’all, too!! Working on making the Kickstarter campaign great so we can afford BOTH!
Love this friend! Happy for you!
I’m a SRTer. Online though, since I refuse to give up my illiterate phone. But I am looking forward to a trip to your area, and being close to where it all started in just a few weeks.
Welcome back Scout! I thought that looked like her :)
Can’t wait to see more pictures/updates!
I’ve dabbled with She Reads Truth readings on my iPhone in the past. This is the Bible is the first time I’ve really devoted myself to a plan with SRT and I’m loving it. I’m reading along with each blog post, journaling about the Scripture verses given to read each day. I’m loving it! :)
Hey Becky! So glad you’re digging in with us – I love to hear that! Thanks for saying hi!
I LOOOOOOOOOVE She Reads Truth! My favorite has been the Three Johns. But I am still working through it as I got behind with sick kiddos. Can’t wait to hear the story about the dog and excited for the new APP!
I read SRT during Lent last year and am looking forward to it this year as well! Instead of giving something up which isn’t so productive, I add more time in devotion with the Lord. Thank you for your hard work keeping it running and letting it grow!
I completed more of the SheReadsTruth plans when they were on the YouVersion app, but I’m definitely looking forward to the Lent one this year!
Always enjoy reading your blog posts:)
I am a faithful SRT follower. Rachael, you all have changed my life by doing this. I truly have become a new woman. I just feel so light and have so much joy. That all comes from Him. I have always known the Lord, read my Bible, but now, I am REALLY understanding it for the first time. I GET IT and I look forward to reading each and every day. For the first time, I am journaling and loving it. My life has not been the same since I found SRT and it never will be again. I can only get stronger with my walk with the Lord. Thank you and all the ladies. Looking forward to what the future holds for SRT.
Wow, Sophia. This is so beautiful and uplifting! God is so faithful, isn’t he? He uses all of us in our brokenness to point each other to Himself! So grateful to be used! xoxo
Sorry I spelled your name wrong. Should have checked that and forgot to mention so glad to see a blog post.
Oh goodness – no worries! Definitely not the first time. I didn’t even notice! :)
Glad to hear you are doing so well, Raechel! Miss your blog!
I’m so glad you blogged!!! Happy Day, and what a fun, grace filled, hearty blog post it is!! I don’t remember who I found first- you or SRT. I started following Jessi @ NaptimeDiaries and Hayley @ TheTinyTwig a few years ago and then I found you and SRT through all that and it has only been in the last year that I have really decided to buckle down and commit to SRT. I have found that it is the place that challenges me, refreshes me, and keeps me coming back for more of God’s Word every time. I am so thankful you have allowed God to use the weak things of this world for His Glory (I heart Spurgeon)! I’m a mom of 2 (boy and a girl), and I find the same challenges, refreshment, and same mindedness here at your blog (I love sewing, stitch fix, design) that I find in SRT, but just in a different way.
Thanks for blogging today! I know this whole internet/bloggish world can be strange to understand when we don’t really “know” each other, but it made me happy to see that you are crazy busy, but able to enjoy this crazy season. Enjoy His grace today!
Deb, I LOVED this comment this morning! (I always love a fellow Spurgeon-lover) :)
Seriously, thank you so much for this. Such a fun note to read while I’m working at the coffee shop! xoxo
I would LOVE an app!!!! I’ve been reading here and there, but I think I would be able to keep up with it more, and it would be much more convenient with an app. Pease update us when it happens!!!
Hello! I just happily stumbled upon your blog via Land of Nod. And then I saw you live in TN and was even happier. I’m in good ole Chattanooga But I hear Franklin is awesome and that folks looove it there. Yay for Tennessee! Anywho, I have read some she reads truth and do enjoy it but I’m with Shannon up above, an app would be amazing ;) Your family and your home are both lovely, great to have found your blog!
oh, and i adore the name hazel! if i ever have another little girl i soo wanna name her that :)
I do read she reads truth and love it! I also enjoy coming to your blog and seeing what you are up to….. I am a new blogger and need some inspiration and help, any advice? Praying for you and your team…..