It’s true y’all.
Even though I could swear he was just born yesterday, my baby boy is turning 8 years old this week.
His head comes to my shoulder now when he stands up straight. His hair is as curly and white as ever. He’s witty and smart and has really given us some cool glimpses of a mature young man over the past months.
At dinner last night, we decided to hold a family meeting. Since his birthday is next Wednesday, we asked if he wanted to have a party or have some friends over. He said no – that he’d rather just go on a fishing trip, just him and Dad. (For the record, they do this almost weekly right now, so we were delightfully surprised when he really did just want more quality time with his dad for his birthday. Also: high fives all around for no party planning!)
So, a “fishing party” it was! After dinner we ran to Dick’s and let him pick out a new rod and reel, a tackle box and a bit of gear. (We were planning to do this for his birthday gift next week, but we can be flexible! It was clear that a family trip to pick it out and use the next day was going to trump unwrapping gifts in the living room next week after school, then settling in to homework and bedtime.)
The boys organized all the new gear and set it out last night, and were up bright and early this morning to load my brother-in-law’s canoe on top of our SUV and head out for their “tour of 3 lakes”. They fished all morning with a little bit of success. Mostly they drifted around the lakes (note to selves: invest in an anchor!), got rained on, and tried out a bunch of different baits.
In the meantime, sissy and I decided to get up and out of the house this morning, too. We ran to starbucks for hot bevvys and breakfast food, then walked across the street to catch the 10am showing of “Planes Fire and Rescue” at the Franklin Theatre.
Boy am I loving this mother-daughter gig!
Hazel tired of the movie about an hour in once her snacks were gone, and it didn’t take much convincing for me to move on with our day, so we snuck out while something exciting/dangerous was happening with plane engines and forest fires and headed to the mall for a few errands and a long-overdue haircut.
She chatted all the way through the haircut about My Little Pony names, Care Bear colors and Big, Big Friends, and at the end of our time, Shaun her hairdresser offered a pink Little Pony streak for the front.
She felt AMAZING. Notice the hand on the hip as she rode down the escalator? That was seriously planted on purpose. Girl felt good.
And y’all, on that note, I’m sitting at home in my comfy chair while Ryan rests on the sofa from hoisting a boat on and off my car all morning in the rain, and the kids run around our backyard eating Michigan apples and catching crawdads with their cousin Beatrice.
I haven’t blogged in way too long. I’m a little rusty – I can hear it too. But these memories are just too precious to go undocumented in my favorite way, so awkward or not, they’re here now!
I have so many more stories to tell. And even if I tell them imperfectly, and even if no one is still reading, I’m just so happy to sit down on a blustery fall saturday afternoon to tell the story of today.
You blogged!! I read!
I still come come here from time to time. Not sure why….but God lays your family on my heart. I love how the bloggy world connects us all. Happy Birthday to your main little guy!
….I mean to say…that I thought you had stopped blogging, so I’m not sure why I would come see if you had blogged when I thought I had read somewhere that you weren’t going to blog and that it must be because God lays your family on my heart. All that to say, I’m glad you blogged :D
Loved to get a glimpse into your life again. Thanks for sharing as always :)
Loved your post!! Great to see you write. You may have felt rusty but we’re always our own worst critic. A fun read – as always. Thanks for sharing such a fun day!
Get so excited when you pop on on my feed! Happy birthday, big man!
I’m still reading. :) I was just thinking I haven’t seen you in a while. Next endo trip, maybe?
So glad you are back!
Sooo glad to have an update on YOU and your family!!! I’ve missed it!
You just encouraged me to keep blogging….havent since Aug ;/
You blogged! What a fun day for all! Love that pink streak!
I’m still reading! It’s a funny thing, blogging.. A month or so ago, a friend of mine from nearby Smalltownsville Northern MN pinned a picture of Oliver on Pinterest. It was his first day of preschool photo. I was all like, “I’ve followed her blog for years, and actually remember this – when Oliver started preschool!” :) Anyway – a funny thing.. I kind of grow to care about the families and kids I’ve watched grow. In a totally non-creepy, loving-the-good-people-of-the-world kind of way. :) This post is PERFECTLY right, perfectly real. I love that you don’t have to do party planning. What a great birthday! Our “baby” Beau will be 8 in February.. the years they do fly. Loving them up. Living them up. And when we get to blog about them, it’s a treat. :) Yay, you!
I’m glad I stopped by to see if you had been blogging. I can’t imagine the pressure of regular blogging, but I’ve missed your posts!
I read!! Never feel bad for actually living in your moments–we are blessed for the ones you choose to share but sometimes we need to keep some just for ourselves :)
I am so glad you posted, I still check for updates to read. Love your heart :)
Totally still reading…
I’m still reading! Glad to see a new post and that your family is doing well.
Wishing Oliver a happy belated birthday! Happy to read your words & hear how y’all are doing. It has been fun reading along all these years. Hopefully I’ll bump into y’all over the holidays in Downtown Franklin :) Best!
Lovely to catch up on your recent posts :)